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胞浆素是消除和分解血栓的主要蛋白酶。Plasmin is the main protease to break down and dissolve thrombus.

研究了赤子爱胜蚓纤溶酶活性的提高条件及酶的最适作用条件。In this paper the best conditions of activity of plasmin were studied.

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观察玻璃体胶原纤维的空间结构及纤溶酶对其空间结构的影响。To reveal the fibrillar network in vitreous and the effect of plasmin on this network.

该药能够克服现用药物出血的缺点。因为BB-10153是由凝血酶激活的。BB-10153 is an engineered variant of human plasminogen that is activated to plasmin by thrombin.

目的观察玻璃体胶原纤维的空间结构及纤溶酶对其空间结构的影响。Objective To reveal the fibrillar network in vitreous and the effect of plasmin on this network.

目的评价纤溶酶在治疗结核性胸膜炎胸膜肥厚中的效果。Objective To evaluation the effect of plasmin in the treatment of Pleural Thickening by Tuberculous Pleurisy.

优选的丝氨酸蛋白酶为纤溶酶、微纤溶酶和小纤溶酶,最优选纤溶酶。Plasmin, microplasmin and miniplasmin are preferred serine proteinase enzymes and plasmin is the most preferred.

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玻璃体内胶原纤维呈三维空间结构,纤溶酶能够破坏玻璃体胶原纤维的网状结构。Collagen fibrils in vitreous present spatial arrangement regularly, plasmin can lead to destruction of the fibrillar network.

纤维蛋白酶及其酶原是存在于乳中的一对主要碱性蛋白酶,通过水解乳蛋白对乳及乳制品的品质产生影响。Plasmin and plasminogen is a major pair of alkaline proteinase in milk, which affects dairy products by hydrolyzing milk proteins.

脑血管病变时,中枢神经系统中的血源性丝氨酸蛋白酶,如凝血酶、组织纤维蛋白溶酶原激活剂和纤溶酶等的出现很有意义。The appearance of serine proteases such as thrombin, tissue plasminogen activator and plasmin in the CNS have come under increasing scrutiny.

探讨了该酶特性、存在形式及活性影响因素,最后对其活性测定作一介绍。This paper is reviewed about the plasmin and plasminogen's properties, existed and factors affected its activity, also the activity determination is introduced.