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它们都是综合性的。They are integrative.

什么是感觉统和训练?What feeling is integrative training?

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化育整合能力,落实团队合作。Honoring integrative capability and team work.

有助于孩子的觉得统开平衡病愈。Help children feel integrative dysfunction recovery.

填补了杀菌锅电脑程控一体化的空白。Filled in cell-type sterilizer computer integrative blank space.

单片机是一门综合性和实践性很强的课程。The class of single chip madine is very integrative and practices.

对辣木病害的综合管理进行了讨论。And the integrative management of the diseases and pests are discussed.

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结论创伤性连枷胸应采取综合治疗措施。Conclusion Integrative therapy should be taken for traumatic flail chest.

毋容置疑,整体观是发展趋势。It is clear that the integrative division view is the trend of development.

本文是对唐代邢窑的考古学初步综合研究。This article is an integrative research about the Xing Kiln in Tang Dynasty.

我们鼓励人们今后在看待气候变化带来的影响时能够更加综合时尚。We're pushing people to look at climate impacts in a more integrative fashion.

因此,制定法比法官造法更具有权威性和统一性。Hence enacted law is more authoritative and more integrative than judge-made law.

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今天的经理预计将有一个更加综合和战略眼光。The manager of today is expected to have a more integrative and strategic vision.

可有效地进行综合扫雷车工作装置电气系统的故障诊断。It may effectively diagnose the faults of electrical system of integrative minesweeping car.

杭州丘山进出口有限公司是集科、工、贸于一体的多元化进出口公司。IMP. AND EXP. CO. , LTD. is an integrative corporation related to science, industry and trade.

缺乏集成研发平台成为生物催化技术转移的瓶颈。Lack of an integrative R&D platform was the bottleneck of the biocatalysis technology transfer.

海拔与坡位是气象因子和立地因子的综合表现。Slope position and altitude are the integrative reflections of meteorological and site factors.

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作者在本文中引用了大量的关于态度理论的文献。With its integrative approach to theory, the paper also contributes to the attitudinal literature.

中国陆权战略需要全方位、一体化的西部开发制度。China land power strategy need an all-directions and integrative western region development system.

第二部分主要探讨艾儒略对万物一体思想的回应。The second part focuses on Giulio Aleni's responding to the argument that everything is integrative.