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欺骗性的或两面派的手法。A fraudulent or duplicitous representation.

他是一个贪婪、奸诈而又蛮不讲理的人。He is a possessive, duplicitous and unreasonable man.

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在实施这狡猾的父母态度方面我并不孤单。I'm not alone in adopting this duplicitous parenting style.

但电话和有线电视公司本身就是个滑头。But the phone and cable companies are themselves being duplicitous.

不过,小狗们是否真的识破了主人们的这种把戏呢?But do the dogs really know that their people are being duplicitous?

要找出比苏丹政府更残酷,更狡诈的政府简直困难。IT IS hard to find a crueller or more duplicitous government than Sudan's.

这坚定不渝的忠诚也是满腹阴谋的议长所利用的优势。So it was that a duplicitous Chancellor took advantage of this unswerving allegiance.

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瑞丁女士称法国在此事的处理上对欧盟大搞两面派。Mrs Reding said Paris had been duplicitous in its dealings with the European authorities.

从理论上讲,我没做错,但我还是觉得自己不太诚实,实际上,我确实有点两面派。Technically, I hadn’t done anything wrong, but I felt dishonest and I was certainly being duplicitous.

它也可以用来形容一小我私家的个性很具有欺骗性或迷惑性,但这种形容很多环境下是褒义的。It may also be used to describe a person's duplicitous personality, but mostly in the eulogistic sense.

我们现在应该身处刑事法庭,起诉这间猥亵、奸诈的学校,蓄谋谋杀!We should be in criminal court this very moment, trying this obscenely duplicitous school for conspiracy to commit murder.

如果有人是两面派,那你将会有毁灭性的觉悟,决定和这个人来个了断。If someone has been duplicitous , it may come as devastating disillusioning news and may bring a final break with that person.

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巴基斯坦实际上处境尴尬,Zardari政府和巴基斯坦面临指责,指责他们对本-拉登要么无能为力,要么搞两面派,随你挑!The Zardari government and Pakistan’s military face charges they were either incompetent or duplicitous over bin Laden. Take your pick.

贾巴爬上德西利吉克黑社会家族头目的宝座是一个漫长而充满阴谋的过程,但赫特人的耐心就像庞大的体型一样伴其一生。Jabba's ascent to the head of the Desilijic crime family was a long and duplicitous one, but Hutts are long lived with patience to match their bulk.

我们可以用相反的信息和事例,以及权力如何误导我们的例子,去揭穿那些不诚实的或者起破坏作用的领导者们。We can challenge destructive or duplicitous leaders with contrary information and counter-examples, stories about how the powers that be have misled us.

老实说,如果一个运动要想通过这种具有诱饵性质的市场推销手段来招募新成员,那么他们应该把“真”换为“似真非真”。Honestly, if a movement has to lure in unsuspecting audience members via a duplicitous bait-and-switch marketing campaign, perhaps "Truthfulness" should be replaced with "Truthiness.

Riker不愿意明确指出他提到的段落,但是可以肯定的说,CSPI称麦当劳“奸诈”和营销手段“掠夺性的”,并不讨改公司。Riker wouldn't point to specific passages, but it's safe to assume calling McDonald's "duplicitous" and its marketing practices "predatory" failed to ingratiate CSPI with the company.

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今年夏天土耳其试图调停,但是阿萨德政府却将土耳其的努力看做是两面派的行为,因为当时,土耳其也正在帮助叙利亚反对派在伊斯坦布尔的运作。Turkey tried mediating this summer, but its effort was treated by the Assad regime as duplicitous because Turkey was simultaneously helping the Syrian opposition to organise in Istanbul.

刘德华把刘健明的双重性格演绎得云云之好,乃至于直到最后一个镜头,你都不能肯定是他真的想做一个好人,又或这一切不外是他标致的一中国的军事实力出戏。The duplicitous nature of Ming was played so well by Lau that by the last scene, you are still not sure whether he truly wants to be good, or was it all just an act that he has perfected?