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星号二。Star two.

诗二首。Two Poems.

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两个层。Two tiers.

两个引言。Two quotes.

它的两张网。Its two webs.

二五仔!Two five boy!

二五仔。Two five son.

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昏迷案例之二。Coma case two.

是两辆。But two trains.

那两个茶杯?Those two cups?

他八十二岁。He's eighty two.

好了,两次小测验。OK. Two quizzes.

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两名退出了。Two dropped out.

他有两个姑姑。He has two aunts.

我有两个驼峰。I have two humps.

我还需要两个。I still need two.

师将点钟拨到二点。It's two o'clock.

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两个是孤儿。Two were orphans.

我有两个选择,逢场作戏或直言相告。I had two choices.

这两个冲床。It's two punchers.