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直到现在,他仍在关押中。For now, he remains in custody.

哈林顿应该独享监护权吗?Should Harrington share custody?

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如果他获得了法定监护权呢?What if he gained legal custody?

负责会计凭证汇总。装订及保管工作。Bookbinding and custody of the work.

母亲获得了孩子的监护权。The mother got custody of the children.

目前他正遭到司法监押,等待受审。He is in judicial custody awaiting trial.

杰克逊孩子抚养权不拍卖!Judge nixes custody bid for Jackson kids.

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拉乌夫后来从巴基斯坦的看管之下逃之夭夭。Rauf later escaped from Pakistani custody.

新疆,一少年与嫌犯重名被押212天公检法均未发现冤情。Boy's name put him in custody for 212 days.

那个驾车肇事后逃跑的司机已被看押起来了。The hit-and-run driver has been in custody.

他有一支枪,他们带他去了拘留所。He had a gun, and they took him into custody.

他因为盗窃被刑事拘留。He was held in criminal custody due to theft.

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时间分配和自己想法的计划A proposal for custody and a time-sharing plan

于是约瑟把他们都下在监里三天。And he put them all in custody for three days.

孩子的监护权归谁,让法院来判吧。Let the courts decide who gets custody of kids.

被告还押候审一星期。The accused was remanded in custody for a week.

对于监禁协议的既定补充。The understood provisos of a custody agreement.

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友志和友慧的监护权案子开审。Youzhi and Youhui's custody case goes to trial.

确定是否允许保管转移。Determines whether custody transfer is permitted.

儿童的监护权已判给母亲。Custody of the children was awarded to the mother.