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这就是你的牵绳。This is your leash.

狗必须用狗链拴起来。Dogs must be kept on a leash.

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那孩子用一根皮带牵着普茨。The boy had Pooch on a leash.

请把你的狗用狗链拴好。Please keep your dog on a leash.

你们这些家伙没带狗链吗?Shouldn't you guys be on a leash?

这个皮带擦破了狗的脖子。This leash chafes the dog's neck.

工作人员把栓她的皮带交给了我。The attendant handed me her leash.

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狗拖着狗链跑开了。The dog ran off, trailing its leash.

这次最好用牵引绳牵着他。This time you can keep him on a leash.

你要拢住他只须拉紧一根皮带。You just have to keep him on a tight leash.

溜狗时,她牵着狗来限制它的活动。She restrains her dog by walking him on a leash.

如果我看电视,它就戴着牵引带躺在我的脚上。If I watch TV he is on leash and laying by my feet.

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他用我们的狗古鲁普的皮带做了绞索。He had fashioned a noose out of our dog Grouper's leash.

即使被系住我还是可以走的很好,我也很爱被车子载著兜风。I walk very well on a leash , and I love to ride in a car.

你得考量一下老虎的情绪,然后用链子把它套住。You gauge the tiger's mood and put the leash on the tiger.

当我在走路时,我把狗链条牵得紧紧的。I keep my dog in a short leash while walking in the street.

然而,梅德韦德夫先生似乎正在绷紧自己的皮带。Mr. Medvedev, however, appears to be straining at the leash.

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鱼塘边的树上拴着家里的藏獒。Fish ponds edge of the tree leash their home Tibetan mastiff.

如果我在电脑前工作,就用戴着牵引带把它栓在桌子上。If I work on the computer he is on leash tethered to my desk.

不论用于训练还是散步,一般说来6英尺的长度比较合适。A six-foot leash is the ideal length for both training and walking.