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航母编队具有攻防兼备的多种作战能力。Aircraft carrier fleet has diversiform campaign abilities for attack and defense.

而我最喜欢的就是那里的小吃了,那里小吃特别丰富,美味可口!What I love most is the snacks there, where the snacks are especially diversiform and delicious.

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结果与结论借助灵活多样的果道,我院药物咨询服务顺利开展,成效显著。Results & Conclusion By diversiform ways e could provide more and better pharmic counseling for people.

多元文化并存导致的文化价值冲突,给人们的思想造成了一定程度上的混乱。The value conflict caused by the diversiform cultural coexists has created some confusions to people's thought.

大多数致仕官员是依靠社会保障制度的支撑,多途径解决养老问题的。A majority of retired officials relied on the social security system and kept the pot boiling by diversiform ways.

从明亮的翠绿,到柔和的墨绿,绿色的眼影有着丰富的色彩和多样的层次。From bright verdure, to downy blackish green, eye shadow of green is having rich color and diversiform arrangement.

民营企业文化的发展有一个历史的过程,形成了民营企业文化多样的特征。The development of the private-owned enterprise's culture has a historical process and forms a diversiform character.

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天池保护区及其邻近地区的多种经济鱼类,均是一些优良的种质资源。The diversiform economic fish species are the excellent germplasm resources in Tianchi Nature Reserve and its neighborhood.

对该剪应力传感器进行了方波实验,确定其工作在不同过热比下的时间常数。Square waves are superimposed on a constant bias current to determine the time constants under diversiform over heat ratios.

地毯一般都有多样的尺寸供选择,丈量出大概需铺盖的区域。Carpet has diversiform dimension to offer an alternative commonly, measure goes out to require the area of bedclothes probably.

计算机监控系统通过RS-485总线实现信息共享,此监控系统界面美观大方,操作简单,功能多样化。The whole system which uses RS-485 to share information has beautiful interface, the diversiform function, and the easy manipulation.

产品款式新颖,工艺精湛,深受广大客户和同行的好评,产品远销欧美、日本、韩国、东南亚等国际市场。With newest style, diversiform variety and reasnoble price. Most of production are vended to occident, Europe and America, Japen, Korea, Southeast Asia, etc.

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各色各样的人都有,有忙碌的上班族,有穿戴整齐校服、预备上课的莘莘学子们,还有和我和妈妈一样,来自傲陆的搭客们!Diversiform people have, a busy office workers, school uniforms have dressed, preparatory school students, and my mother and I, from the proud land passengers!

追溯”塔克拉玛干”的历史,肯定“塔克拉玛干”一名的含义是“胡杨树之乡”、“多胡杨树的地方”。Tracing back the history of the term, this paper affirms that "Taklimakan" means "a land of diversiform -leaved poplar" or "a place full of diversiform -leaved poplar.

环境监测系统中各式各样的报表的制作是一项复杂而烦琐的工作,使用通用的报表工具对系统开发具有重要的意义。Diversiform report form making of environmental monitoring system is a complicated and fussy work, so a generic report tool will contribute much to a system development.

广泛应用于各类演播室,电影摄影棚、新闻发布中心、电教中心、大型舞台、剧场的灯光照明以及城市的泛光照明等。Those products are widely used on diversiform studio, movie studio, news promulgate center, video education center, large stage, playhouse lamplight and city floodlight.

侏罗系为准噶尔盆地重要的含油气层系,其层序发育较完整,沉积相类型丰富,沉积体系多样。The Jurassic is one of significant oil-bearing strata in Junggar basin with relatively well-reserved sequences, various sedimentary facies and diversiform depositional systems.

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本文结合在本厂的实际设计及工作实践,对厂内所用的多种斜交胎模具进行了全面、深入、详实的研究。Combining with the experiences of design and practice in our factory, in this paper, an extensive and intensive investigation was made in diversiform cross-ply tire molds of the factory.