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应用静电序列可以简化定性工作。Qualitative simplification has been suggested in the form of triboelectric series.

当触摸那些制作质量不高的电缆时,会产生摩擦电效应噪音,因此这些噪音又被称为“触摸噪音”。The triboelectric effect is also called "handling noise" because it occurs when handling poorly made cables.

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摩擦电电流是由导体和绝缘体之间摩擦产生的电荷生成的。Triboelectric currents are generated by charges created between a conductor and an insulator due to friction.

这种偏置电流也可以由摩擦电效应和压电效应等原因在外部产生。Offset currents can also be generated externally from such sources as triboelectric and piezoelectric effects.

指甲盖大小的摩擦电纳米材料在弯曲时能产生8毫瓦电力,足以驱动心脏起搏器。A fingernail-sized square of the triboelectric nanomaterial can produce eight milliwatts when flexed, enough power to run a pacemaker.

由两种材料在接触和分离的过程中产生的静电。Triboelectric Charging, The generation of electrostatic charge when two materials make contact or are rubbed together, then separated.

摩擦电喷枪、涂料展位、聚合室、换热装置、振动筛和交通运输系统。Triboelectric spray guns, coating booths, polymerization chambers, recuperative installations, vibrating screens, and transport systems.

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获得专利的摩擦电喷枪能够对任何形状复杂的物体提供高品质的油漆颗粒覆盖面。Patented triboelectric spray guns create a high charge of particles of paint that provides high quality coverage for products of any complex shape.

摩擦电流是由导体和绝缘体之间的摩擦引起的电荷产生的,例如同轴电缆的导线和绝缘之间。Triboelectric currents are generated by charges created by friction between a conductor and an insulator, such as between the conductor and the insulation of a coax cable.

为将干扰降至最小,例如偏移电流、漏泄电流、静电干扰、摩擦电流和电化电流,需要采用特殊的技术。Special techniques must be used to minimize interferences such as offset cur rents, leakage currents, electrostatic interference, triboelectric currents, and electrochemical currents.

噪音可分为交流电源产生的嗡嗡声、电器开关弹开声、塑胶磁带咔哒声、台间无线电噪音、调制磁带时的噪音、摩擦电效应噪音等几个不同的组。Subsets of noise are AC power-related hum and buzz, electronic crackling, vinyl record clicks and pops, between-station radio noises, tape modulation noise, and the triboelectric cable effect.