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感谢您的收看。Thanks for joining us.

感谢您收看本期节目。Thank you for joining us.

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谢谢大家。Thanks again for joining us.

感谢各位观众的收看。And thank you for joining us.

达顿先生你可以加入我们吗?Mr. Dalton ? You be joining us?

非常感谢加入我们的访谈。Thanks very much for joining us.

考虑加入一个后援小组。Consider joining a support group.

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比孜·斯通几个月后也加入了进来。Biz Stone was joining in a few months.

感谢各位出席今天的会议。Thank you for joining this conference.

谁宣布加入新的复仇者?。Who declined joining the New Avengers?

米歇尔马尔金现在加入我们。Michelle Malkin is joining us right now.

Hensrud博士,欢迎你今天的到来。Dr. Hensrud, thanks for joining us today.

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我喜欢参与杀价买卖露一手。I like joining every battle for a haggle.

欢迎您加入到我们的节目中来。So welcome! We're glad you're joining us.

他对参军的想法感兴趣起来。He warmed to the idea of joining the army.

谢谢大家参加我们今天晚上的活动。Thank you all for joining us this evening.

他们哄骗他参了军。They bamboozled him into joining the army.

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下面是即将归队的成员These will be joining the returning members

连接罗江和旌阳。Joining two cities of Luojiang and Jingyang.

想不想买套房来出租?Thinking about joining the buy-to-let boom ?