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厨师诺波特通常会用油乎乎的汉堡包来招待我们,或是让我们享用一整罐猪肉菜豆罐头,抑或一大锅意大利炒面。Norbert the cook would usually have a greasy burger waiting.

其中包括他的表兄诺伯特·H一位居住在奥地利的农民。They included an Austrian farmer revealed only as a cousin called Norbert H.

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“并非我们一成不变,而是模式本身使其永久存在”罗伯特.韦奈尔如是写到。"We are not stuff that abides, but patterns that perpetuate themselves," wrote Norbert Wiener.

贝特森与诺波特•韦纳同为现代控制运动的创始人。Bateson, together with Norbert Wiener, was a founding father of the modern cybernetic movement.

这一建构源于罗伯特·魏纳的研究,魏纳被称作控制论之父。This construct was derived from the studies of Norbert Wiener, the so-called father of cybernetics.

未来的梅塞德斯一级方程式参与不断进行审查,豪格承认。“…The future of Mercedes' formula one engagement is constantly under review, Norbert Haug has admitted.

新娘说她甚至自己动手做了一些超赞的手工,包括毛织玩偶多比和诺伯特等角色。The bride said she even did a great deal herself, including needle-felting characters like Dobby and Norbert.

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竞争麦克拉伦车队引擎提供商主席的豪格说汉密尔顿的无线电说的是合乎程序的。Norbert Haug, competition chief for the team's engine partner Mercedes, said Hamilton's radio call was "in order".

宝马公司董事长诺伯特。莱特霍夫博士表示,这个决定是在为公司未来战略考虑的情况下作出的。Dr. Norbert Reithofer, chairman of the BMW board, said that the decision was made after a refining of the company's future strategy.

正如诺伯特•维纳在1952年所指出的,具备各类组合变化的反馈电路,是控制和自我管理的根源。As Norbert Wiener showed in 1952, feedback circuits, in all their combinatorial variety, are the fountainhead of control and self-governance.

2005年11月11日上午,国家主席胡锦涛在德国联邦议院会见了德国联邦议院议长拉默特。On the morning of November 11, Chinese President Hu Jintao met in the Parliament building with German Federal Parliament Speaker Norbert Lammert.

他的父亲罗伯特是围场经常,而且在卡塔伦亚母亲家,和他的妹妹孙燕姿10岁的弟弟费。His father Norbert is a paddock regular, but also at the Circuit de Catalunya is mother Heike, sister Stefanie and his 10-year-old brother Fabian.

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宝马的执行官说,对企业增加了不同车型间的零配件共享,在采购上节约金钱。The company has also increased parts sharing among different models, which saves money on purchasing, said Norbert Reithofer, the chief executive of BMW.

尽管三十年的战争结束,他们大部分人不想采纳多种语言、多种宗教及多元文化的解决方法。Most of them do not like to accept the multi-language, multi-religion and multicultural solution even after three decades of war,” said Bishop Norbert Andradi.

梅赛德斯赛车运动主管诺贝尔特·豪格称迈凯轮将不会阻碍法拉利为迈克尔·舒马赫申请一天驾驶今年的F60测试的要求。Mercedes motorsport boss Norbert Haug says McLaren will not stand in the way of Ferrari's request for Michael Schumacher to have a one-day test in this year's F60.

汉密尔顿的一个老板不同意。竞争麦克拉伦车队引擎提供商主席的豪格说汉密尔顿的无线电说的是合乎程序的。One of Briton Hamilton's bosses, however, does not agree. Norbert Haug, competition chief for the team's engine partner Mercedes, said Hamilton's radio call was "in order".

这是德国汽车制造商董事诺伯特-豪格的承诺,当舒马赫驾驶过的赛车身价日渐上涨的时候,他就已经是上层管理的一员了。That is the promise of Norbert Haug, the German carmaker's Competition Director, who was already a part of upper management when an up-and-coming Schumacher raced sports cars.

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“现在还不清楚在3个月的检查之后,这7家核电站是否会继续关闭”,环境部长罗特根在会议结束后说。It was not immediately clear if the seven plants would remain closed after the end of the three-month review period, said Environment Minister, Norbert Röttgen who briefed reporters after the meeting.