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他在电影院。El está en el cine.

我和我的朋友们去看电影。Voy al cine con mis amigos.

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奥林匹亚电影院,普拉多电影院和墨西哥电影院。The Olimpia, the del Prado, and the Cine Mexico.

目的研究马钱子碱镇痛作用的机制。ObjectiveTo study the mechanism of analgesia of bru cine.

附近有二条独木舟,他们就是坐这个独木舟来的。Nearby were two canoes in which they had cine to the island.

那部感情电影的动机在于感动被开除的人。The motive of the affecting cine is to move the abolishd men.

把电影胶片或幻灯片转换成视频应该不费吹灰之力。Transferring cine film or slides to video should be a doddle.

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录映太奇作为一个特设放映项目于火鸟电影会成立。Videotage was founded as a special screening program at Phoenix cine Club.

他那幅度只有六英寸的急拽要比任何其他那些老家伙的满弓重拳更能让对手瘫睡过去。His six-inch jolt is more the real sleep medi- cine than the full-arm swing of most geezers.

用电影摄影机摄影只有演示和娱乐的价值。Photography with cine cameras is of value only for demonstration and entertainment purposes.

如果她没有在普拉多电影院,奥林匹亚电影院和墨西哥电影院找到这部电影,她就会认为他已经死了。And if she did not see it in the del Prado, Olimpia, or Cine Mexico then she would say he was dead.

目的动态研究数字电影血管造影在急性消化道出血的应用。Objective To study dynamically acute gastrointestinal tract hemorrhage with digital cine angiography.

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本文详细介绍了法国当代纪录电影的民众文化以及法国真实电影节的背景资料。This paper describes the film record of the French people in contemporary culture, and the Ciné ma du Ré el.

乔蒂在个人资料上放了一张女演员的照片,辛格无从知道真相。Jyoti had put up a picture of a cine actress as her profile picture so Singh had no means of knowing the truth.

目的运用MR相位对比电影法非侵袭性测量颈部及颅内主要血管血流流速和流量改变情况。Objective To evaluate the diagnostic values of MR phase-contrast cine technique in blood flow measurement of cervix and intracranial vessels.

屏气电影MRI测量左室功能指标的变异系数均小于超声心动图测量左室功能指标的变异系数。The coefficient of variation of left ventricular function indicators in breath-hold cine MRI measured is less than that echocardiography measured.

本文利用高速摄影机和示波器研究了钢焊丝熔化极脉冲焊的各种熔滴过渡形式,试验是在平焊和仰焊位置进行的。In this paper various metal transfer modes in the pulse MIG welding with steel electrode are studied by means of high speed cine camera and oscillograph.

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目的探讨相位对比法MR和形态体积分析法MR成像技术在评价心室功能中的临床应用价值。Objective To investigate the clinical application value of phase contrast MR imaging and stereological cine MR imaging in the assessment of ventricular function.

最后,列出了应用电子计算机得出的1204型35毫米电影摄影机抓片机构的运动特性参数。And finally the kinematic characteristic parameters of the claw mechanism of the 35mm cine camera type 1204, acquired with the aid of electronic computer, are given.

结合作者的工作实践,对控制光楔在电影洗印加工过程中的应用做了比较详细的介绍。This paper discusses the basic principles of making control step wedges used in color cine positive film processing and methods of testing their characteristics stability.