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达赖是一个从事分裂祖国活动的政治流亡者。Dalai is a political exile who engages in secessionist activities.

波斯尼亚再度兴起的分裂情绪的搅动亦是如此。The stirring of renewed secessionist sentiments in Bosnia does the same.

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就在他到达加州的第三天混乱的新分离主义政体瓦解了。He arrived in California three days before the chaotic New Secessionist regime collapsed.

库雷霍夫宣称,他们要跟遍布俄罗斯其他的运动组织团结起来。Kulekhov claims solidarity with other secessionist movements, which, he says, are everywhere in Russia.

延续时间最长的分离主义微型国家为西澳大利亚的哈特河省公国。The longest-running secessionist micronation is the Hutt River Province Principality in Western Australia.

松帕雷议长表示,通过立法遏制分裂势力是所有主权国家的正当权力,几坚定支持中国为维护主权和领土完整而采取的一切行动。He said that to curb the secessionist forces through legislation is the legitimate right of a sovereign state.

艾琳销声匿迹,秘密追捕汉和莱娅以获得科雷利亚分离主义者思拉肯·萨尔-索洛的赏金。Ailyn had vanished, secretly taking on Corellian secessionist Thrackan Sal-Solo's bounty on the heads of Han and Leia.

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它同样也被一系列的犹太主义推动,作为在耶酥时期停滞不前的东西。It also is driven very much by a secessionist account of Judaism as being something that was moribund at the time of Jesus.

李唯一还说,一旦民进党放弃企图独立的政策并停止“台独”活动,大陆方面将做出积极的回应。As soon as the DPP gives up its pro-independence policy and stops secessionist activities, the Chinese mainland will respond positively, Li added.

塞尔维亚和其主要盟国俄罗斯都表示,科索沃的独立将在全球范围内引发一系列的独立浪潮。Serbia and its chief ally, Russia, say Kosovo's independence will unleash a wave of secessionist bids from dissatisfied territories across the globe.

俄罗斯等国说,科索沃独立将激励其他分离主义运动,赖斯反驳说,不能把科索沃独立看成是为其他地方开辟了先例。Rice rejected the notion advanced by Russia and others that Kosovo independence will spur other secessionist movements, saying it cannot be seen as a precedent elsewhere.

南部分离运动愈演愈烈,自南北统一后,分离主义者再次提到南部政治、经济和社会边缘化问题。The southern secessionist movement grew increasingly aggressive in its efforts to raise issues of southern political, economic, and social marginalization since unification.

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激进的政治家和律师,诺贝尔获得者等也加入了示威人群。Prominent opposition politicians and lawyers, Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka and the Biafran secessionist leader, Chief Emeka Ojukwu, were planning to be among the demonstrators.

尽管车臣无法再寄希望于赢得对抗莫斯科的脱离斗争,…警告说,持续下去的斗争或许会吸引邻近的共和主义者参与到更广泛的地区冲突中来。Even though Chechnya could not hope to win its secessionist war against Moscow, Dudayev warned that continued fighting might well draw neighboring republics into a wider regional conflict.

尽管车臣共和国不敢奢望在脱离俄国的战争上打赢莫斯科,但杜达耶夫警告说,若战争持续下去,有可能把临近的共和国也卷入,变成更大范围的区域冲突。Even though Chechnya could not hope to win its secessionist war against Moscow, Dudayev warned that continued fighting might well draw neighboring republics into a wider regional conflict.