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我看见一只蠕动的虫子。I see a wiggly worm.

你不时的会感到自由,精神饱满。You'll feel wiggly free and fresh!

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那个苹果上满是蠕动的虫子。That apple is crawling with wiggly worms.

让它乾,然后在脸上添上眼睛和鼻子。Let dry and add wiggly eyes and one nose to the face.

这些扭来扭去的生物最爱剩菜剩饭,而且总是迫不及待要饱餐一顿。These wiggly creatures love food scraps and are always eager to eat.

蛮寨滑坡属危险性滑坡,目前处于蠕动变形阶段。As a risky landslide, the Manzhai landslide stands at the phase of wiggly deformation presently.

开着法拉利去皮格利威格利公司并且想避免购物车出现凹痕吗?那么你就将车尽量停在远的地方。Driving your Ferrari to the Piggly Wiggly and want to avoid shopping-cart dents? Park far, far away.

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另外,其良好整洁的弹性功能,使得即便是给最好动的婴儿换尿布成了一件轻而易举的事。Plus, Bum Genius diapers have neat stretchy tabs that make diapering even the most wiggly babies a breeze.

造形可爱酷似小蝌蚪的蝌蚪灯可以改变居室的视觉效果。Tadpole lamp, inspired by the cute wiggly creatures can be played around with to change the look of the place.

造形可爱酷似小蝌蚪的蝌蚪灯可以改变居室的视觉效果。Tadpole lamps, inspired by the cute wiggly creatures can be played around with to change the look of the place.

假设有段影片缺了一块圆形的影像资料,而这块区域在影片中平滑地徘徊,这个移动路径可以想像成一条小虫在吃掉一叠影格时,左右摆动前进的路径。A circle of missing image data smoothly wandering around the film could be imagined as the result of a worm taking a wiggly path as it eats through a stack of frames.

如果你把一个CCD上所有段的信号值画在一条直线上,你将获得一个起伏的波形,波峰和波谷分别对应于影像亮的和暗的区域。If you graphed the signal values from all the segments of a CCD on a line, you'd wind up with a wiggly waveform whose peaks and valleys corresponded to the light and dark areas of the image.

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我们的研究指出,曲折的线条比直线更能产生水彩扩散,可能是因为曲折的边界刺激了更多对方向有反应的神经元。Our investigations showed that wiggly lines produce stronger watercolor spreading than straight ones do, probably because the undulating borders engage more neurons responsive to orientation.