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都是最喜欢听学友唱的版本。Only the song from Jacky is great!

成龙是个超级明星,史泰隆也是。Jacky Chan is a hunk, so is Stallone!

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我最喜欢的男演员是陈龙。My favorite movie actor is Jacky Chen.

贾姬示范她的搅拌机怎麽操作。Jacky demonstrated how her blender worked.

成龙是亚洲最红的明星。Jacky Chan is the biggest superstar in Asia!

张学友骗人-爱是没有永恒的!Jacky Cheung lied! Love is never ever-lasting!

成龙在他的电影中向来都是亲自表演特技动作。Jacky Chen always does his own stunts in his film.

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杰克——他叫她堂妹啦!Jacky he called her Coz!' cried Joan to her husband.

杰基八岁那年他爸爸因劳累过度死去了。The spring Jacky was eight his dad died of over work.

梁俊淇同学一边弹奏着吉他,一边和孩子们唱歌。Jacky played the guitar and sang together with children.

为什么是迪斯尼乐园?为什么作他们的代言人?Jacky, why Disneyland? Why be a spokesperson for them?Jacky.

华健和学友大哥都曾是我模仿的对象。Wakin and Jacky Cheung once were the target I tried to copy.

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也许这是他同吴宗宪共事以后养成的习惯。Maybe it is something he started since working with Jacky Wu.

谢谢你们为我做的一切,千言万语尽在不言中…William, zi hann and jacky i'm so happy working with all ofu.

此外,最佳男配角黄秋生也因故没有参颁奖。Jacky Cheung got the Best Actor Award at India Movie Festival.

成龙是香港电影圈里最顶尖的人物。Jacky Chen is the king of the hill in Hongkong's film industry.

成龙和李连杰在电影中都不爱用替身演员。Both Jacky Chan and Jet Li don't like to use stuntman in their films.

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他被很多人认为是“歌神”张学友的接班人。He is considered by many people as "song god" Jacky cheung's successor.

哦,听,成龙在唱一首歌为我们建国60年献礼。Oh, listen, Jacky Chan is singing a song to celebrate our 60th National Day.

也祝亲爱的谦谦好运常在,并取得更大的成就。And wish our dear Jacky Xue good luck and great success in the coming New Year.