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他鼾声如雷。He snored loudly.

为什么呐喊?Why shout loudly?

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笑的夶声一点。Laugh loudly point.

喇叭吹得很响。The horn blew loudly.

那只猫大声地发出咕噜咕噜声。The cat purred loudly.

这鼓敲得很响。The drums beat loudly.

请大点声说Nina. Say again loudly.

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乞丐大声咒骂。The beggar cursed loudly.

孩子们在哇哇大哭。The kids are crying loudly.

有人大声喝道。Someone loudly drinks a way.

那只鸟在大声地模仿人语。The bird was talking loudly.

这只钟发出很响的滴答声。The clock ticks very loudly.

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不要朝着她大声吼叫。Don't shout at her so loudly.

他声音宏亮、讲话清楚。He speaks loudly and clearly.

喝汤时,千万不要发出响声。Never slurp your soup loudly.

好好到贡院来耍,为什么这样痛哭?Why are you crying so loudly?

你的表滴答声真响。Your watch ticks very loudly.

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客人们都大声笑了。The guests all laughed loudly.

永远不要大声地喝汤或嘬汤。Never drink or suck soup loudly.

骑车的人使劲儿按车铃。The cyclist rang his bell loudly.