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我不仅关注其含糊不清.I — I am not just concerned with the vagueness.

模棱两可和含糊不清已不再为人所接受。Ambiguity and vagueness were no longer an option.

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过去的梦游似的迷迷糊糊和优柔寡断早已不在。He had lost all that dreamy vagueness and indecision.

如果没有普通性,有将是没有不阴不阳。If there is no generality, there will be no vagueness.

模糊词语是人类语言中常见的现象。Vagueness is the hackneyed phenomenon in human languages.

他们的报告针对未来经济前景方面的含糊不清之处作了阐述。Their report is on the vagueness of future economic prospects.

其次,阐述模糊美的特质在于不确定性。Then, the nature of beauty of vagueness lies in indefiniteness.

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含糊性使人们很难理解标签的含义。Vagueness makes it difficult to understand the meaning of a tag.

语言的模糊性是语言的一种客观实在,它是自然语言的本质属性。Vagueness is objective and universal. It is the nature of language.

我们讨论弄清了组织生活中的一些不明确现象。Our discussion identifies some of the vagueness in organizational life.

这些图表提供了一个整体概览,一定程度的模糊性是允许的。They help to bring the overview across and some level of vagueness is allowed.

模糊性的原因之一可能是他们没有充分证据可以证明这点。One reason for the vagueness may have been that they didn’t have much to go on.

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然而,恰当地利用语用含糊,经常能够产生积极的效果。However, the proper use of pragmatic vagueness can often produce positive effect.

代名词必须有一个,也只能有一个先行词,以免造成模糊或模棱两可。A pronoun must refer to one and only one antecedent to avoid vagueness or ambiguity.

含糊不清的描述和颤抖的声音也都是欺骗的信号。Other potential indicators of deceit are descriptive vagueness or a quavering voice.

第四章分析并说明了模糊语言在商务广告中的积极及消极作用。Chapter four aims at explicating the pragmatic functions of vagueness in advertising.

本文在总结了他们研究成果的基础上,对数词的模糊性进行了粗浅的研究。On the basis of their work, the writer makes a tender study of vagueness of numerals.

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地图设色之困难,在于色彩感受的不确定性。The difficulties of colouring a map rest mainly on the vagueness in the colour perception.

在捕获时还常有另一种含糊不清之处。There's a complementary vagueness in catching that is also common. It produces code such as this

因此,语言以其模棱两可的特性,营造出这种精神化的谣传的公社氛围。So, language is this communal set of rumors spiritualized by its very vagueness and shared quality.