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担保人通讯联系地址发生变更。The Guarantor changes the communication address.

既然你们没有担保物,也许可以找个担保人。Since you don't have any collateral, perhaps you could get a guarantor.

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担保人在本担保书项下承担的义务均应是连带的。All of the obligations of the Guarantor hereunder shall be joint several.

而贝尔萨尼迫切期望他能作为未来改革的保证人呆在那里。That is where Mr Bersani would like to see him, as a guarantor of future reforms.

第九十六条票据债务人的民事行为能力,适用其本国法律。The guarantor shall be any person other than the one already liable for the bill.

此外,本中心并非是保险承保人或担保人,将不承担有关的任何责任。LNV is neither an insurer nor a guarantor and disclaims all liability in such capacity.

在吉首大学学习期间出现任何意外或经济问题,将由担保人全部负责。Should emergency or financial problems occur, my guarantor will take the responsibilities.

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均不解除保证人所承担之上述保证书规定的义务。Shall in any way release the Guarantor from any liability under the above- written Guarantee.

此外,本中心并非是保险承保人或担保人,将不承担有关的任何责任。The Center is neither an insurer nor a guarantor and disclaims all liability in such capacity.

因为处在取保候审期间,所以他的行动受到限止。Since it is the period of obtaining a guarantor and pending trial, his activities are restricted.

第一步,是要使自己省悟认识到财富是最可靠的和平保证,这个概念。The first step is to disabuse ourselves of the notion that wealth is the surest guarantor of peace.

债务人放弃对债务的抗辩权的,保证人仍有权抗辩。The guarantor still has the right to counterplea even if the debtor gives up the right to counterplea.

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假若你的过去不能保证现在,你的现在就要是你未来的保证!Because if your past is no guarantee of your present, your present, it is the guarantor of your future!

他是能给称功过的天秤增加善的重量的红色磺石,他是揭开崇拜的深度机密的面纱的保证人。He was the Red Sulfur weighed in the Divine Scales, the Guarantor for Unveiling the Deep Secrets of Worship.

在贷后建立学生担保人制度,联系贷款学生催收贷款,以达到风险控制的目的。After a student loan guarantor in the system, with loans student loan bonds to achieve risk control purposes.

保证人仅对保证以及保证索赔契据下的义务负责。The Guarantor will only be responsible for its obligations under the guarantee and the guarantee claims deed.

她还表示,在中国崛起之时,美国在该地区的存在是人们渴望的一项安全保证。She also said that as China rose, the presence of the US in the region was desired as a guarantor of security.

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第十五条膍经济合同当事人一方要求保证的,可由保证人担保。Article 15 If one party to an economic contract requests a guaranty, such guaranty may be provided by a guarantor.

立法委员应该对这些问题有所了解,而反对就业服务法关于建立担保人制度的修法。Legislators should be also aware of these problems and be persuaded not to amend the ESA and impose a guarantor system.

保证人须为年满二十岁且具行为能力之中华民国国民或在中华民国境内具有合法居留身分之行为能力人。The guarantor shall be over 20 years of age with full legal capacity and have either citizenship of or legal residency in the ROC.