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这些权利均可被迪威公司转让。These rights are assignable by Devco.

本协议将是全部或部分的可转让的。This Agreement will be assignable in part or whole.

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可用于既不可赋值也不可复制构造的类型。Can be used for types that are neither Assignable nor Copy Constructible.

是的,成本资源是可分配给任务的固定成本的资源类型。Yes cost resources is the resource type for fixed costs assignable to a task.

这项担保可以分割、让与和过户,而无须向我们陈述。This Guarantee is divisible, transferable and assignable without presentation of it to us.

车架的结构及车体刚度对汽车的安全性有着不容忽视的影响。The structure of frame and stiffness of body have assignable influence upon automobile safety.

以下授予代理的权力是不可转让的,不应转让给任何其它方。The rights granted hereunder to IB are not assignable , and shall not be assigned, to any other party.

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而这些现实题目恰是解决工伤农夫工维权挫折不容回避的现实。And these real topic turns out to be a farmer workers' rights to solve inductrial injury setback assignable reality.

本文考虑了单机排序中带可分配工期的总误工问题的应急管理问题。This paper discusses disruption recovery for single machine scheduling with assignable due dates to total tardiness.

社员资格是不可转让和不可继承的。基于社团资格而发生的权利,不提交给他人行使。Membership is not assignable and not inheritable. The exercise of membership rights cannot be entrusted to another person.

本文研究了成组加工时带可分配工期的误工任务数问题的排序与工期分配。In this paper, we discuss single machine scheduling with assignable due dates to minimize number of tardy tasks in batch processing.

在中国哲学发展史上,魏晋玄学作为一个哲学思潮,有着它不可忽视的价值。On Chinese philosophy phylogeny, as a philosophy trend of thought, a philosophy faction in Wei and Jin period has its assignable value.

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文化价值观念通过影响个体行为和集体行为对制度变迁产生着不可忽视的影响。By affecting the individual behaviors and collective behaviors, cultural values produce the assignable influence on the institution changes.

但纵观设计与艺术的发展历史,其二者在本质上相互融合的关系更不可忽视。But make a general observation of the history designing the development with art, their at heart mutual anastomosing relation is more assignable.

除非保函或者其修改中有明确规定,保函项下受益人要求付款的权利不得转让。The Beneficiary's right to make a demand under a Guarantee is not assignable unless expressly stated in the Guarantee or in an amendment thereto.

身体问题在20世纪西方哲学尤其是欧陆后现代哲学领域成为一个不容回避的焦点课题。In the 20th century, the problem of body becomes an assignable central issue in Western philosophy, especially in the postmodernism sphere in Europe.

除非本第9.10条明示规定,未经另一方事先书面同意不得转让本合同。Except as expressly set forth in this Section 9.10, this Contract shall not be assignable without the prior written consent of the other Party hereto.

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除本条另外约定,未经YYY的书面同意,所有的授权许可不可转让。Except as provided in this Article, all licenses granted herein shall be nontransferable and non- assignable without the prior written consent of YYY.

该银行担保可被转让与转拨,不需要将其呈交给本行,也不需要任何转让或转拨费用。This Bank Guarantee is divisible, assignable and transferable without presentation of it to us and without the payment of any transfer fee or charges.

根据可让渡权利是否具有强制性,可将其划分为强制让渡权利和非强制让渡权利。According to whether the rights assignable mandatory, it could be classified as forced alienation of rights and the rights of non-mandatory alienation.