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基本病变为增殖性细支气管炎和肺泡炎。Essential for the proliferation of disease bronchiolitis and alveolitis.

肺泡炎引起成纤维细胞增生和胶原沉积。The alveolitis that produces fibroblast proliferation and collagen deposition is progreive over time.

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肺泡炎引起成纤维细胞增生和胶原沉积。The alveolitis that produces fibroblast proliferation and collagen deposition is progressive over time.

作者认为这种临床和实验室特征符合外源性变态反应性肺泡炎。These clinical laboratory characteristics were considered to be in conformity with extrinsic allergic alveolitis.

结论BLM所致肺泡炎影像学表现与肺炎双球菌肺泡炎影像学表现具有一些不同的特点。Conclusion The imaging findings of alveolitis caused by BLM is of some different characteristic in comparison with that caused by pneumococcus.

什么是'外源性过敏性肺泡炎-肺部疾病,由于吸入有机粉尘'?。Extrinsic allergic alveolitis is a lung disorder resulting from repeated inhalation of organic dust, usually in a specific occupational setting.

组肺泡炎、肺组织纤维化评分及羟脯氨酸含量均与实验模型组相近。The severity of alveolitis and fibrosis and the content of hydroxyproline of lung tissue in IFN-γ treated group were similar with that in model control group.

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与之相应的肺组织病理改变为早期的急性肺泡炎和后期纤维化改变。The above changes accompanied with lung pathological manifestations, which included acute alveolitis during the earlier period and lung fibrosis during later period.

本文从病因及预防上加以分析,目的是寻找可预防的环节,以期达到减少或杜绝干槽症的发生。Then some alveolar bone necroses occur. This paper studies the cause and the prevention of Dry Alveolitis in order to find a way to reduce or even eliminate the disease.

干槽症是指拔牙创口无血凝块复盖,发生感染,引起部分牙槽骨坏死的一种病症,是拔牙手术后较为常见的并发症。Dry Alveolitis is a common complication which occurs after the tooth extraction. It occurs because the wound is not covered by the blood clot so that the wound is infected.