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奥维尔和威尔伯·赖特制造一架飞机。Orville and Wilbur Wright made an aeroplane.

威尔伯和奥维尔赖特有4要飞。Wilbur and Orville Wright had 4 wanted to fly.

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威尔伯检查飞机。“我能试试吗?“奥维尔喊。Wilbur checked the plane. "Can I try now?"shouted Orville.

由1912年,威尔伯已死亡,奥维尔是失去兴趣,在飞行。By 1912, Wilbur had died and Orville was losing interest in flying.

奥维尔和维尔伯.莱特还真的非常有凌云壮志。Orville and Wilbur Wright had their heads in the clouds, literally.

奥维尔卧在这架飞行器的底翼上然后发动引擎。Orville lay on the bottom wing of his plane and started the engine.

然后奥维尔·赖特和他的兄弟,威尔伯,制造第一个飞机。Then Orville Wright and his brother, Wilbur, made the first aeroplane.

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奥维尔爬上他的飞机机翼底部,发动了引擎。Orville climbed on to the bottom wing of his plane and started the engine.

奥维尔在第一次短暂飞行后,安全降落了,同一天这个试验重复了三次。But in the aeroplane Orville made the first short flight and came down safely.

四年后,也就是1871年8月19日,威尔伯的弟弟奥维尔在俄亥俄州出生。Four years later on August 19, 1871, Wilbur's brother Orville was born in Ohio.

威尔伯于1912年死于伤寒,年仅45岁,可奥维尔寿命较长。Wilbur Wright died in 1912 of typhoid fever when he was only 45, but Orville lived a long life.

他们都死在卫生间里。Elvis Presley, Lenny Bruce, Orville Redenbacher and RobertPastorelli- they all died in a bathroom.

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当奥威尔和威尔伯.怀特还是小男孩的时候,他们从父亲那里得到了一个便宜的玩具。When they were young boys, Orville and Wilbur Wright received an inexpensive toy from their father.

威尔伯死后,奥维尔成立一家新的飞机研发公司。Curtiss. After Wilbur's death from typhoid, Orville established a new aeronautical research company.

奥维尔希克斯在一个故事春耕生产领域的爆米花详细阐述他的父亲和骡子。Orville Hicks in a tale of plowing the popcorn field elaborates details about his father and the mule.

在下一页中,你会发现更多的死于浴室中的名人,包括奥威尔.瑞登巴可。On the next page, you will find more famous people who died in the bathroom, including Orville Redenbacher.

1903年奥维尔·莱特进行人类第一次有动力飞行的时候穿的是打着领结的白色立领衬衣套装。Orville Wright wore a suit and tie and a white shirt with starched collar when he made man's first powered flight in 1903.

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曾有100个志愿者看了奥维儿的“鲜美食”爆米花广告——研究人员制作的系列广告。A hundred volunteers looked at print ads for Orville Redenbacher's "Gourmet Fresh" popcorn—a variety that researchers made up.

研究人员找来了一百名志愿者,请他们观看美国著名爆米花食品商——奥利华•雷登巴赫牌印刷的“新鲜美食”广告。A hundred volunteers looked at print ads for Orville Redenbacher's "Gourmet Fresh" popcorn—a variety that researchers made up.

例如威尔伯和奥维尔赖特没有发现理论和飞行他们只用一致别人的想法,直到他们成功了。For example, Orville and Wilbur Wright did not discover the theory of flight they just used and tweaked others' ideas until they succeeded.