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炸洋葱有时很难消化。Fried onions can be indigestible.

忌吃猪肉和这一类不消化的东西。Avoid pork and suchlike indigestible food.

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黑人总是一个难吸收的群体。Blacks have always been the indigestible mass.

本文介绍了以淀粉为原料制造难消化糊精的工艺过程。In this paper, technical processing of indigestible dextrin is discussed.

没有被消化的食物对你的消化道微生物来说是一道大餐。What's indigestible to you is a seven-course meal to your gut microbiota.

造成这一问题的部分原因是,所提供的有待评估信息根本无法消化。Part of the problem is the indigestible nature of the inputs it is trying to assess.

口香糖是非常难于消化的,也就是说你的身体不能像分解其它食物一样分解它。Gum is pretty much indigestible , meaning your body can't break it down like most foods.

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一年一次帮忙做家务,你和你的儿子们最后都不。Second, having a huge helping of domesticity once a year may prove indigestible for you and your sons.

其次,一年一次帮忙做大量家务,你和你的儿子们最后可能都不适应。Second, having a huge helping of domesticity once a year may prove indigestible for you and your sons.

事实上,牛奶在胃里总会遇到胃的消化液,而这种胃液一定要把牛奶变成乳块。The reason given was that the acid in the orange juice would make the milk curdle and become indigestible.

我们知道很多兔兔都因为消化不了这些外壳而造成肠道不适。We know of more than one rabbit who suffered intestinal impactions because of the indigestible corn hulls.

动物们以相对难以消化的杂草为食,还到处游荡,消耗了大量的能量。Animals burn large amounts of energy roaming about the landscape feeding on relatively indigestible grasses.

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龙涎香是抹香鲸所吞食的枪乌贼或其它动物的不能被消化部分周围积聚的分泌物。It is thought to form as a collection of feces around indigestible parts of squid and other prey of the whale.

它们期待的是血,是骨头,是软骨,是筋,它们嚼了又嚼,然而词汇是无味的树胶,树胶是无法消化的。They expected blood, bones, gristle, sinews . They chew and chew, but the words are chide and chicle is indigestible.

它们期待的是血,是骨头,是软骨,是筋,它们嚼了又嚼,然而Vocabulary是无味的树胶,树胶是无法消化的。They expected blood, bones, gristle, sinews. They chew and chew, but the phrases are not chide and chicle is indigestible.

这些酶无法分解羊毛,动物毛发或丝等其它对于它们来说无法消化的纤维。These enzymes are incapable of breaking down or digesting wool, hair or silk fibres which are to them indigestible protein.

本文介绍了以淀粉为原料制造难消化糊精的工艺过程。并对产品组成成分的影响因素一一作了阐述。In this paper, technical processing of indigestible dextrin is discussed. In addition , influence factor of production composition is illustrated.

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他们完全消化的有机物如骨骼,而不消化项目如蹄,角,韧带及头发反哺于弹珠。They completely digest organic matter such as bones, while indigestible items such as hooves , horns, ligaments and hair are regurgitated in pellets.

本文就不消化性碳水化合物的分类、在结肠内的发酵与吸收、主要发酵产物、及其与结肠健康关系等方面进行综述。In this review, the classification and the digestion of indigestible carbohydrates, and the health effects of their fermented products on colon were introduced.

由于榨汁去掉了难消化的纤维,人体可获得的营养与成片或整个吃水果或蔬菜所能获得的量要大得多。Since juicing removes the indigestible fiber, these nutrients are available to the body in much larger quantities than if the piece of fruit or vegetable was eaten whole.