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听力障碍和耳聋的病因Causes of hearing impairment and deafness

感音神经性听力障碍可采取以下措施加以预防Sensorineural hearing impairment can be prevented by

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预防可避免的盲症和视力损害Prevention of avoidable blindness and visual impairment

头部或耳部受伤有可能造成听力障碍。Head injury or injury to the ear can cause hearing impairment.

低的维生素B12水平与认知损伤相关。Lower B12 levels have been associated with cognitive impairment.

请问晚期糖基化导致肾脏损害的机制是怎样的?What are the mechanisms for advanced glycation renal impairment?

其结果可能是视力下降、视力障碍,甚至失明。It can lead to vision loss, visual impairment and even blindness.

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胆碱的缺乏会导致记忆力下降和精神涣散。A lack of choline can cause impairment of memory and concentration.

这种药物的禁忌证包括肝脏或肾脏损伤。Contraindications for this drug include liver or kidney impairment.

希罗达禁用于严重肾功能不全患者。Xeloda is contraindicated in patients with severe renal impairment.

DAZ基因拷贝缺失与人类的生精障碍有关。Deletion of DAZ gene copies is related to spermatogenesis impairment.

传导性听力障碍是外耳道或中耳道出现问题。Conductive hearing impairment is a problem in the outer or middle ear.

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由于病鱼多组织和器官受损及器官功能障碍导致死亡。The sick fish died by damage and functional impairment of major organ.

鞘内注射和静脉注射可导致认知损伤。Intrathecal and intravenous methotrexate can cause cognitive impairment.

轻度认知障碍者的脑萎缩速率为正常人的二倍。The brains of those with mild cognitive impairment shrink twice as fast.

肝硬化患者中的神经认知障碍被称为肝性脑病。Neurocognitive impairment in liver patients is called hepatic encephalopathy.

和E2缺乏是否会增加老年男性认知损伤的危险性?。Whether the deficiency of T and E2 increase the risk of cognitive impairment.

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2005年约有2.78亿人患有轻度到重度的听力障碍。In 2005, about 278 million people had moderate to profound hearing impairment.

一个更大的问题是当诊断出认知缺陷或者痴呆症之后该做什么。A bigger problem is what to do after impairment or dementia has been diagnosed.

建议重视听障儿童的语言康复。Emphasis on language rehabilitation of hearing impairment children is suggested.