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你的身体还有救。Your body appears salvageable.

地图上自带的坦克残骸将不能被轴心国工兵回收。Tank wrecks found on maps are no longer salvageable.

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而以授粉后12天左右的甜瓜果实中可抢救的胚的数量较高。The ratio of salvageable embryo was superior 12 days after pollination.

有些人直接走开了,有些人停下来跟它说话,也有些人为它找来可以用来修理的零件。Some stopped to talk to it. And some picked it over for salvageable parts.

住在附近的儿童从废墟中寻找堪回收的材料卖钱。Children who live nearby earn money digging through the debris to find salvageable material.

如果所有陀螺仪都失效的话,哈勃将会自动关闭,但还可以修理。When the gyroscopes give out altogether, Hubble will shut itself down but will remain salvageable.

如果任务代理人的飞船不掉落可打捞材料,那在飞船被击毁时就会掉落一个货柜。NPC ships that do not drop any salvageable materials will drop a container instead of a wreck when destroyed.

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罗斯是一位不良资产收购专家,他说,他这种买入倒闭的公司、回收可利用部分的做法是对“达尔文主义的应用”。Ross says his approach to buying failing companies and reclaiming the salvageable parts is “a Darwinian thing.”

如果1900的音乐真的有攀登到每个人所声称的那种高度,那么这部电影在一定程度上或许也还是有救的。The movie might have been partly salvageable if Nineteen Hundred's music soared to the heights everyone claims it does.

不知道从什么地方传来一个声音问道,你还想回去吗?这完全取决于你。你的身体还有救。From somewhere, something kind asked, Would you like to go back? It's completely up to you. Your body appears salvageable.

对于穷困潦倒的加里亚当地居民来说,偷抢煤块和去倒塌建筑里拾荒是十分危险的谋生手段。For the impoverished local residents of Jharia, stealing coal to sell and picking through collapsed buildings for salvageable material is a dangerous way of life.

左侧远端颈内动脉闭塞所致急性缺血性中风,存在可抢救的缺血半暗带和持久的大血管闭塞。Diagnosis Acute ischemic stroke caused by distal left internal carotid artery occlusion, with salvageable penumbral tissue and a persistent large-vessel occlusion.

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逐渐的,研究者们开始认识到,应用特定的磁共振成像技术可以鉴别哪些脑组织可能是有潜在救治价值的,从而对其行再灌注治疗。Over time, the researchers began to notice specific MRI patterns that seemed to identify brain tissue that was potentially salvageable and, therefore, might benefit from reperfusion therapy.