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他必项依靠自己为生而无损于人。Let him live harmlessly on what is his own.

而行业人士声称数据是无害使用的。And the industry says the data are used harmlessly.

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上方的电线使得300万伏特的电流绕道而行,使其对地面无害。Upper wires detour the three-million-volt harmlessly to the ground.

难道她以为那只是不让她去享受那毫无害处的快乐吗?Could she think it was to deny her a pleasure that she might harmlessly enjoy?

暴乱分子零星的炮火声在主街道上空回荡。Sporadic gunfire from insurgents down the main road flies harmlessly overhead.

物理学家们表示这种黑洞对普通的粒子不会有损害。Physicists say that such black hole would harmlessly decay into ordinary particles.

就这样地他拉开弦,放出一支箭,嘶嘶的无害地掠过一位随从的盾牌。At that he loosed his string and sent a shaft hum-ming, to glance off a retainer's shield harmlessly.

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玩具可以无害地取出,当然也可以戳穿机体组织,导致出血或感染。A toy might be harmlessly flushed out, but it might also perforate tissue, leading to bleeding or infection.

转基因产业宣称草甘膦对人是安全的以及快速降解对环境无害。The industry claims that glyphosate is safe for people and breaks down rapidly and harmlessly in the environment.

由于基本力往另一个方向发展,所以潜在泡沫往往是在初期就破裂,后果也几乎是无害的。Potential bubbles often collapse early and harmlessly because fundamental forces are pulling in the other direction.

尽管肺炎链球菌可以生活在人体内而不致病,但可能引起危险的肺部机会性感染。Although found living harmlessly in the body, S. pneumoniae can cause dangerous opportunistic infections of the lungs.

无花果树比较幸运,她没有叶子,挡不住雪,雪从光秃秃的嫩枝间飘过,丝毫没有损害到树。The Fig tree was more fortunate . She had no leaves to trap the snow and it drifted harmlessly through the bare twigs.

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在正电子放射断层扫描过程中,往受试者血管里注射一滴含放射性氧的水,其放射性短暂而无害。The fuel nozzle, a drop of water containing a short-lived, harmlessly radioactive type of oxygen is injected into the bloods stream.

就在这时怪物晃动起他的身体,从屋顶一样大的头到蓝色的脚晃动着。而所有的箭都无力地落到地上。Then the beast shook his body, from ugly rooftop-sized head to blue coloured feet. And all the arrows fell harmlessly to the ground.

铑-脾类均相络合催化剂通过蒸馏、分段焙烧和烟气干式净化对物料进行无害化预处理。To treat harmlessly with homogenous phase Rhodium-phosphine complex catalyzer by distillation, subsection baking and smoke dry cleaning.

最近的计算表明,或早或迟在八分钟之内,一颗小行星将会安全无虞的飞身擦过地球。The latest calculations suggest that had the asteroid arrived just eight minutes earlier or later, it would have zoomed past Earth harmlessly.

在飞行方向上的射击也没有任何危害性,而那叛军车队还在继续前进——旧皮卡组成了一条漫长,曲折的黑线,正试图冲破地平线。Shots were harmlessly fired in its direction and the convoy kept approaching—a long, jagged line of old pickup trucks trying to escape the horizon.

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小瘴疴虫被光线直接杀死,较大的瘴疴虫失去了伤害宿主的能力,反而被身体吸收,成为无害的养料。Smaller ones were killed outright by the light, larger ones proved unable to harm their hosts and were harmlessly absorbed by the body as nutrients.

当您释放敌人后,快速地挖洞干掉他,试一两次后他就会在左边重生。When you release the enemy, retreat quickly to where you can trap and kill him. After one or two tries he will re-appear harmlessly over on the left.

“金刚”级驱逐舰也参与了上次演习,跟踪了目标并成功模拟了拦截。The JS Kongo also participated, tracking the targets and conducting a successful simulated intercept. The target fell harmlessly into the Pacific Ocean.