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这树肚带是两公尺。This tree is 2 meters in girth.

他的腰身比我的粗多了。His girth is much ampler than mine.

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承重墙顶部的圈梁需加固。The girth on top of the wall is reinforced.

长短、粗细与女性性快感Length versus Girth and Female Sexual Pleasure

书的腰封印制了这本书自己的环保宣言。The book’s girth makes its own environmental statement.

数以兆计的冰冻的小卫星环绕土星的赤道转动着。Trillions of icy moonlets that glide around the planet's girth.

由于我腰围很大,他不可能在往下的身体部位挟住我。Owing to my girth he could never have closed them about me lower.

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所有设备口法兰及翼缘法兰螺栓应为双头螺栓。All nozzle flange and girth flange bolts shall be of stud bolt type.

最后综合各种因素分析了西气东输管道应采用的环焊缝匹配工艺。The possible girth weld match procedure for the pipeline is discussed too.

肚带—肚带是在马肚子下面,把马鞍固定在马上的带子。GIRTH – This is the strap under the horse that holds the saddle on the horse.

本森以她的巨大体型吸引了英国各地的关注。Benson attracted attention across Britain for the sheer spectacle of her girth.

在最终热处理后翼缘法兰的垫片的端面应进行加工。The gasket faces of girth flanges shall be machined after final heat treatment.

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与膘厚、腹围呈极显著负遗传相关。The genetic correlations of body length and fat thickness, paunch girth are negative.

全国腰、臀围数据暴增,也挑战公共座位的设计者。The blow- out in the national girth rate has also challenged designers of public seating.

研究人员已经发现了胖人们影响朋友腰围的种种途径。Researchers have found a number of ways that fat people could influence their pals' girth.

环绕就是让真我去感受到所需要的力量,再把这种力量用来发现偶发事件中产生的想法。Girth is the strength required for self to realize the thoughts at cause of the happenstance.

但他只看到森林,很多粗皮的大橡树在上坡。He saw nothing but forest, trees running upslope , mighty oaks, broad of girth and rough-barked.

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所以那些认为周长重要的女性也许对最理想的周长是多少会有不同的看法。So women who felt penis girth mattered may have different ideas of what the ideal penis girth is.

结果表明胸围是影响海南黑山羊体重的最主要的体尺因素。The results showed that the decisive character of Hainan black goat's weight was its chest girth.

我们报道了一例58岁男性患者,此患者腹围增大、体重减轻。We report a case of a 58-year-old man who presented with increasing abdominal girth and weight loss.