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前景乐观。The prospect is cheerful.

响亮地送出一只欢乐的歌。Peals out a cheerful song.

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她展露出愉快的笑容。She smiled a cheerful smile.

每次都是“好交际,更开朗。More outgoing, more cheerful.

他性格开朗。He has a cheerful disposition.

当忆酷夏兮,鸡尾酒会欢娱。Hot summer. Cheerful Cocktail.

他们享受一切快乐的事。They enjoy all the cheerful things.

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大家都表露出轻松愉快的神情。Everybody looked cheerful and happy.

这封信以乐观的口气收尾。The letter ended on a cheerful note.

这间舒适的房间镶有松木。The cheerful room was panelled in pine.

正是此方法,令君喜滋滋。This is the way to be cheerful and gay.

直到最后都很愉快高兴。He was cheerful and pleasant to the end.

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那老人惊讶地戴上眼镜,望着他。I wonder to see him looking so cheerful.

这样坚持5年,并且要兴高采烈的。Keep this up for 5 years. Look cheerful.

她是一个非常快乐,随和的人。She was a very cheerful agreeable woman.

如果快乐的查里选择干酪海鲜汤了。If cheerful Charlie chose a cheesy chowder.

如果快活的查里选择干酪海鲜场。If cheerful Charlie chose a cheesy choweder?

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妈妈是一会儿哭,一会儿又快活地忙乎着。Mom would cry one minute, then act cheerful.

她实事求是,心胸开阔,快活。She was truthful, open-hearted and cheerful.

一个快乐的人也会成为一位杰出有用的人。A cheerful man is pre-eminently a useful man.