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这主意真棒!这主意真高明!Brilliant idea!

它太棒了。It's brilliant.

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没错伙计们,HTC....静静地....辉煌...Bam...Quietly. Brilliant.

一个很了不起的化学家。A brilliant chemist.

这主意真高!What a brilliant idea!

布什执政时,他有着出色的表现He's brilliant at Bush.

他的发言很精彩。He made a brilliant speech.

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亮绿色泽明艳动人。Brilliant light green color.

哦好,很好。Ooh yes, that was brilliant.

微软下了一着妙棋。A brilliant move by Microsoft.

富有创造力、才华横溢、聪明绝顶。Creative, talented, brilliant.

耀眼的光洒遍我的全身。Brilliant light poured over me.

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这是他最棒的一次打赌。It was his most brilliant wager.

双方都施展出高超的球艺。Both sides showed brilliant play.

这能给全家人带来乐趣。Brilliant fun for all the family.

我觉得这个电影很棒。I thought the movie was brilliant.

台北花博精彩可期!Taipei Flower Expo brilliant show!

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绿色并带明亮的浅麦杆色。A green, brilliant mid-straw color.

他是一个出色的爆破专家。He is a brilliant explosive expert.

算得上一个非常有能力的实验家。He was a brilliant experimentalist.