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生活之中没有严师,就做自己的严师。Be your own one if no disciplinarian in your life.

刘是主要的纪律管理者和首席的传达者。Liu is the head disciplinarian and chief communicator.

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我们都有自己要扮演的角色,而恩恒的所扮演的是一个纪律的执行者。We all have a role to play, and his part is that of a disciplinarian.

我有一次曾和一个以讲究纪律闻名的主教练交谈。I once had a conversation with a manager known to be a disciplinarian.

例如,聪明的后爸不会努力成为家庭的执行纪律者。A wise stepfather, for example, doesn’t try to become the family disciplinarian.

既节省了时间,又有效减少饮食不规律导致胃病的发生。It save time and availability to avoid tummy bug because of not disciplinarian bite and sup.

通过聚类分析,发现舌、脉、主症聚类有明显规律。Obvious disciplinarian was found of tongue, pulse and main symptoms through cluster analysis.

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这位老师纪律抓得很严,放学后惩罚学生,不让他们回家。The teacher was a hard-boiled disciplinarian and forced the students to stay after school as punishment.

虽然,有时候她会显得“极度过分纵容”,但她在家庭里同样也是个厉行纪律的人。And though at times she does get ‘extremely over-indulgent’, she is also the disciplinarian in the family.

且该变化规律与煤化作用跃变联系紧密。As a result, all levels pore specific surface present disciplinarian change in different coalification jump phases.

从而得出既有线提速的一般性有指导意义的规律,供以后其他线路的提速做参考。Thereinafter educe universality guidance disciplinarian of exiting line raise speed, for other raise speed line reference.

道尔顿板是用来说明气体分子运动速率分布统计规律性的教学仪器。Dalton board is an instrument used to ex-plain statistics disciplinarian of velocity distribution of air molecule movement.

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在现代科学技术的发展过程中,学科的精确化是他们取得进展的重要保证。In the developing of modern science and technology, disciplinarian veracity is an important assurance for their development.

因此,股市内在规律的研究和预测具有极其重要的理论意义和应用价值。Therefore the study and prediction of disciplinarian in stock market have great theoretical significance and applicable value.

各林区枯枝落叶的持水量及持水率的周年变化规律与落叶规律相一致。The variational disciplinarian of waterholding quantity and waterholding rate were in consistent with the defoliation in anniversary.

给出了脉动动能分布的等值线图,详细阐述了紊动强度在汊道内的分布规律。After drawing the distribution isoline of pulsation kinetic energy, the distribution disciplinarian of intensity of turbulence is expatiated.

我母亲会通过絮絮叨叨地抱怨和斥责来排解她的不称心,正如她在家里所扮演的严格执行纪律的角色。My mother would release her disconcerts by sullen drones of complaints and scoldings, as befitted her role of the disciplinarian of the family.

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萨尔曼亲王,同样是费萨尔苏戴瑞血统的弟弟,1962年开始担任利雅得市市长,他被看作是家族内举足轻重的仲裁者和纪律维持人。Prince Salman, also a Sudairi brother, has been governor of Riyadh, since 1962. He is seen as an important arbiter and disciplinarian within the family

他的本意或许是作为一位前辈给我些善意的建议,不过实际上他的话听起来很像是一位严苛的父亲在教训儿子。He probably meant it as kindly advice from someone who had been around the block, but it came across more like a disciplinarian father scolding his son.

通过对钢筋混凝土梁进行不同荷载等级下静载和动载的交替实验,得到混凝土梁从完整到破坏的频率变化规律。The alternate test of static load and dynamic load on RC beam serves the study of the frequency change disciplinarian from integrity to destroy of RC beam.