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题目要求考生写一篇论说文。Examinees are asked to write an argumentation.

然后详细介绍了衡平论证的思想来源。The author introduces the resources of equity argumentation.

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我总觉得这种教法有点奇怪。This always struck me as a strange approach to argumentation.

而图尔敏的论证模型就是法律论证理论研究不能够绕过的一个高地。Toulmin's model cannot be ignored by the learners of legal argumentation.

关于“假日经济”的大讨论在中国引起了轩然大波。The argumentation on"holiday economic"had aroused a violent disturbance in China.

第四章主要论述衡平论证的原则、论据与方法。Article 4 discusses the principles, arguments and methods of equity argumentation.

在本部分的论述中主要涉及我国的民歌演唱艺术。Sing art in main folk song related to our country in originally some argumentation.

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有没有真身,这本身就是一个值得进一步论证的事情。There is no real body, which in itself is a matter worthy of further argumentation.

“针对人的”论证与“人身攻击”谬误应加以区分。Person-oriented argumentation and fallacy of personal abuse should be distinguished.

这些都使利用文字进行的既有口头也有书面形式的辩论愈加频繁。Thus, the uses of literacy for argumentation – both in oral and written form – grew.

随着时间的推进,他对自己的立论越来越固执。Along with horary of push forward, he is more and more stubborn to own argumentation.

例如,一篇议论文包括两个主要部分,前提和结论。For instance, an argumentation is made up of two parts, presupposition and conclusion.

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我猜想关于这国家,的论证强度没有减少。I gather there seems to be no lessening of the intensity of argumentation in this country.

这部分对行政合同的概述为下面的论述作了铺垫。This part foreshadows following argumentation to the summary of the administrative contract.

当我进大学后,我研究逻辑和辩论,而且经常参加各项辩论比赛。When I went to college, I studied logic and argumentation and went in for debating contests.

直到一个星期后,这场争论来渐渐平息,而这时的总评论数已经有1500条了。The argumentation was shut down a week later, but not until nearly 1, 500 comments had added up.

而「孟子性善论」则是内审不易完全掌握的立论。"Meng'tze's Shing Shan Lun" refers to an argumentation which contents cannot be grasped completely.

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然后对东北大学软件学院信息化平台的实现以及各个功能模块进行了详细的论述。Then it carried on the detailed argumentation to realization of the platform and each function module.

政策论证过程中的共识构建是公民参与中的一个方法论难题。The consensus-building in the policy argumentation is a methodological issue for citizen participation.

论证是用一个或一些命题来确认一个给定命题的可接受性的思维过程。The argumentation is used to confirm the thought process of some given propositions about acceptability.