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他声称跟王室有亲戚关系。He claims kindred with royalty.

王冠就是王权的象征。The diadem is the symbol of royalty.

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我正与远道而来的贵族相伴。I'm in the company of visiting royalty.

或许你明年可以收一小笔版权费?Maybe take a small royalty fee next year?

在很多人看来,大盖帽是威严的象征。Peaked caps signify royalty to many people.

对阿尤而言,那是在看棒球的皇族。To Abreu, it was watching baseball royalty.

只有在皇室成员在场时才升国旗。The flag is only raised in the presence of royalty.

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“多米宁王法律”与皇族无关。The Kings Dominion law has nothing to do with royalty.

认识并回应君尊的上帝,就是敬拜他。Recognize and respond to the royalty of God—worship Him!

灵性,仪式,神秘,转生,皇权spirituality, ceremony, mystery, transformation, royalty

他是国际名流和皇室的座上宾。He is a favorite of international socialites and royalty.

关于版税的具体细节目前还没有公布。The details of the royalty arrangements were not publicized.

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新婚的王妃是血统纯正的皇室成员。The newly-wed princess is a blue-blooded member of the royalty.

除拥有版权外,作者得到百分之十的版税。Besides copyright, the writer got a 10-percent royalty on sales.

你是否知道腊肠犬曾经是皇室成员所钟爱的犬种呢?Did you know that Dachshunds were a favorite breed among Royalty?

但是得到如此厚待的动物通常会像不知感恩的小孩儿一样。But animals that get treated like royalty often behave like brats.

它的董事会、捐赠者和馆员包括科技迷名人录都受热捧。its board, donors and fellows include a who's who of tech royalty.

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女儿即将嫁入王室,凯特米德尔顿的父母将为婚礼支付部分费用。Marrying royalty will come at some cost to Kate Middleton's family.

这京城内城只是一些各部官员和皇亲国戚。The Imperial court is now concerned with the officials and royalty.

矿产资源的原有价值是权利金征收的对象。The mineral resources original value is the object to levy royalty.