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这就是无字天书。This is a wordless heavenly book.

阿恩海姆以为绘画是一种无言的陈说。Arnheim thinks painting is a wordless statements.

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默默无语,脸上尽是愁苦之色。Wordless silently, his face full of sadness color.

不会说?兔丫教你用线条表达生活。Wordless? Cony teach you to express life by lines.

无言的帮助如春风化雨。Wordless help is as spring wind turns clouds into rain.

夜空中沉默的那轮皎月也是寂寞的。The wordless bright moon in the night sky is lonesome too.

我想一个不错的,搞笑的,不带语言的姿态会更凑效。I thought a nice, funny, wordless gesture might do the trick.

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难道言语的知识不正是无形知识的影子么?And what is word knowledge but a shadow of wordless knowledge?

无声的蒙太奇镜头闪回了地球,蝙蝠侠去看维克森。Back on Earth, in a wordless montage, Batman goes to see Vixen.

这就是无言的关注成为最的方式。This is why wordless focus may be the most overlooked approach.

在我的灵魂深处有一首无词的歌。In the depth of my soul there is a wordless song. -- Kahlil Gibran

“造型”是一种语言,它传达了“无言的服务,无声的命令”。Model is a language expressing wordless service and soundless order.

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他们看到是一幅可怕的景象,对他们统治的无主谴责。It was a dreadful sight they swa,a wordless condemnation of their rule.

经过四年的文字和无声的联系,我收到了一张便条。In the fourth year of our word-driven, wordless contact, a note arrived.

无言的注意为我们所前进的方向提供动力。Wordless focus generates energy to progress in the direction we start in.

我发现有三种可用而无需多言的最有效的方法。There are three applicable wordless actions that I have found to be of greatest use.

这就是我发自我内心深入的无言的呼唤,也就在这时候,爱心的光芒照到了我的身上。” was the wordless cry of my soul, and the light of love shone on me in that very hour.

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人好像一本无字书,需自己写上最美的文字。Life is just like a wordless book, on which need you to write down the most beautiful words.

沉睡者就是意识,而它必须记得它自己才能达到当下—「无言」。The sleeper is consciousness and it must remember itself to reach presence—the " wordless ."

当我们突然闯进无声的世界,艺术就是我们的声音,是我们的心灵之曲。When we are bursting with some wordless experience, art is our voice, the song of the heart.