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立普生是一个虔诚的基督徒。Lipson, a devout Christian, had an epiphany.

虔诚的穆斯林准时地遵守斋月。Devout Moslems observe Ramadan punctiliously.

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我第一次怀孕时,我还是个虔诚的肉食者。During my first pregnancy, I was a devout meat-eater.

甚至是最虔诚的教徒都不否认恒河现在的困境。Not even the devout deny the plight of the Ganges now.

许多信男信女在磕头、祈祷。Numerous devout men and women are kowtowing and praying.

正是这位虔诚的基督徒将英国卷入了四场战争。The devout Christian who led his country into four wars.

他是在参加一个卑鄙猥亵的餐会。He was by turns devout and obscene, merry and lachrymose.

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还有件事情值得一提,就是她是一名虔诚的基督徒。Another thing about Kathy is that she is a devout Christian.

比塞特医生今年46岁,是着名的和平人士,虔诚的基督徒。Dr. Biscet, 46, is a renowned pacifist and devout Christian.

他们说他是个虔诚的穆斯林,不抽烟,不识字。He was a devout man, they said, a non-smoker and illiterate.

虔诚的天主教徒用带花边的黑色围巾围住头部。The most devout covered their heads with black, lacy scarves.

有虔诚的人把司提反埋葬了,为他捶胸大哭。Devout men buried Stephen and made great lamentation over him.

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玛丽•贫嘴修女从出生起就是撒旦虔诚的信徒。Sister Mary Loquacious has been a devout Satanist since birth.

悉拉啊,从现在开始,我要成为一个虔诚穆斯林。From this point on, I'm going to become a devout Muslim, Zehra.

拉辛格主教一生都是位虔诚的天主教徒。Cardinal Ratzinger has been a very devout Catholic his whole life.

菲利浦思想活跃,对新事物如饥如渴,变得笃信虔城了。Philip, his restless mind avid for new things, became very devout.

这个建在深山里的尼姑庵,住着几个虔诚的尼姑。Several devout nuns live in the convent located in remote mountains.

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我们欢迎国内外各界优秀人士虔诚合作,携手并进。We welcome people of every devout excellent cooperation go hand in hand.

罗姆的父亲是一位虔诚的外氏那瓦,每天都在家中敬拜克里希纳。Ram's father was a devout Vaishnava and worshipped Krishna daily at home.

露娜.月牙是月神艾鲁恩坚定而又虔诚的信徒。Luna Moonfang is a stalwart and devout follower of the Moon Goddess, Elune.