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你可以专攻宪法,You can specialize in constitutional law,

制宪会议达成了什么事?What happened at the Constitutional Convention?

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马来人根据宪法的定义应该是穆斯林。Malays are by constitutional definition, Muslims.

豪尔还是辩称该法合宪。Still, Hall argued that the law was constitutional.

汉密尔顿的宪法设计思想又怎样呢?Whatabout Hamilton’sideas of constitutional design?

雨果·查韦斯在一次公民复决中失利。Hugo Chavez's defeated in a constitutional referendum.

诉权是公民的一项宪法性权利。Litigious right is a constitutional right of citizens.

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对杨度的君主立宪思想进行总体评价。Overall evaluate Yang Du's constitutional monarchy idea.

修宪是解决问题还是更多纷争的前奏?A constitutional settlement—or a prelude to more trouble?

我认罪,放弃宪法权利。I waive my constitutional rights against self-incrimination.

英国是一个没有立宪君主的王国。It is a kingdom which does not have a constitutional monarch.

但是监督并非由党派控制,这是一项宪法职责。But oversight is non-partisan, it's a constitutional function.

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政制事务局2004年福特F150超级四轮驱动。Constitutional Affairs, Ford F150 2004 Super four-wheel drive.

德国已经通过了平衡预算的宪法修正案。Germany has passed a balanced-budget constitutional amendment.

我们切望秘鲁恢复宪政形式。We are anxious to see a return to constitutional forms in peru.

主席苏莱曼曾警告说,如果宪法改革政变失败。Mr Suleiman has warned of a coup if constitutional reforms fail.

反对同性婚姻,但也反对宪法禁止同性婚姻。Opposes same-sex marriage, but also opposes a constitutional ban.

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这便是中国宪政建设的内驱力。This is drive of construction of Chinese constitutional government.

君主立宪制是从1688年的光荣革命后开始。Constitutional monarchy began after the Glorious Revolution in 1688.

测量是质量检验工作的重要组成部分。Measuring is an i'mportant constitutional part of quality inspection.