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我们真去?We are going?

老娘我不干了,回家了。I'm going home.

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这是怎么回事呢What's going on?

我打算去一些名胜地旅游。I am going to of.

我要尿尿了。I'm going to pee.

你是出远门吧?Going far, are you ?

我即将去南加洲了。I"m going to UCCA ."

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我们坐车去。We are going by bus.

你犯了错误。You are going wrong.

他会进化。He's going to evolve.

欺人太甚。That's going too far.

我的路又在哪里?Where am I going to ?

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你要去野营吗?Are you going camping?

去把他们引出来。Going to lead 'em out.

去参加我们的葬礼。Going to our funerals.

我将去见上帝了。I am going to see God.

我打算去观光.I'm going sightseeing.

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我会成功“I'm going to succeed."

若问今夕是何年?If I was going to ask?

肯定哪里出了事端Something is going on.