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菲莎干嘛会在这里?。What's Fisher doing here?

这是一场捕鱼者的赛跑。And there is a fisher race.

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本以后是比尔·费舍。After Ben, Bill Fisher painted.

这不就是老鱼们正在做的么?As for Derek Fisher being done?

杰纳。菲雪尔从巴黎发回报道。Jana Fisher reports from Paris.

卡利什和费歇尔说,有这个可能。Perhaps, Kalish and Fisher said.

那个溺水的小阿被一个渔夫救了。The drowning child was saved by a fisher.

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这条河是食鱼貂的自然栖身地。This river is the natural habitat of fisher.

没错,德里克·费舍尔很明显是犯规了。Yes, it was an obvious foul on Derek Fisher.

我们的最终归宿都是一样的。Our mentalities are the same, " Fisher said."

阿谁渔夫与一条怪鱼交上了朋友。That fisher made friends with a strange fish.

费歇尔说,没有人可以很愉快的走出一段感情。"Nobody gets out of love alive, " Fisher said.

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科比和费舍尔将会压倒雷阿伦和龙多。Bryant and Fisher will dominate Allen and Rondo.

不知道卡丽·费舍尔的名字是否会满足你。Does the name Carrie Fisher do anything for you?

可费蛇耳和马丁内兹从来不受任何事情折磨。Fisher and Martinez didn't agonize over anything.

在林肯中心,有艾弗里费雪厅。Also in Lincoln Center, there's Avery Fisher Hall.

凯恩斯同经济学家费雪不可同年而语。Keynes was no where near the economist Fisher was.

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约拿费希尔,首都安塔那利佛报道。Jonah Fisher reports from the capital, Antananarivo.

龙多比费舍尔更具运动天赋,速度也比费舍尔快。Rondo is more athletic and much quicker than Fisher.

贝基在渔民之家一住就是5个月。Becky had been living at Fisher House for five months.