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支出须由收入支配。Income must govern expenditure.

收入和支出的差距太大。His expenditure outran his income.

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我的支出取决于我的收入。My expenditure is conditioned by my income.

你可能心里有笔大的消费支出。You might have a major expenditure in mind.

我们要缩减非生产性开支。We should reduce non-productive expenditure.

我钔必须大力削减一切开支。We'll have to chop back all the expenditure.

他们算了算这个星期的开支。They reckoned up the expenditure of the week.

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新的特许经营权是一种外部的支出费用。The new franchise was an external expenditure.

开支的每一部门都已地方化了。Every branch of expenditure was provincialized.

我们必须尽力控制开支。We must try our best to regulate our expenditure.

公司将考虑到明年的额外开支。The company will allow for extra expenditure next year.

我的钱快用完了,我得要紧缩开支。I'm getting short of money. I'll draw in my expenditure.

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支出弹性以猪杂最高。Edible pork offal had the largest expenditure elasticity.

那项开支与我们办公费有关。That item of expenditure belongs with our office expenses.

训练一条狗需花时间和精力。Training a dog requires the expenditure of time and effort.

我们必须削减开支方能有解决办法。We must cut back on expenditure in order to remain solvent.

增加了工伤保险基金支出项目。The work-related injury insurance fund expenditure expanded.

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现在,词多用来指个人记的消费流水帐。But now it refers to detailed accounts of personal expenditure.

公安经费不足给公安工作和队伍建设带来了一系列问题。Lack of expenditure may cause a series of problems in police work.

收益性支出是企业在日常经营活动中产生的开支。It refers to expenditure on the day-to-day running of the business.