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课桌是我的舢板。The desk is my sampan.

霍华德说他不再租舢板了。Howard said that he would not hire a sampan.

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答声从最后一条驶近码头的舢板上传来。It came from one last sampan approaching the docks.

有时我们可以看到成群的鱼儿从舢板旁边游过。Sometimes we can see schools of fish pass by the sampan.

我决定参加运动会的单人舢舨比赛。I decided to take part in the single sampan contest at the sports meeting.

她的祖母和尚在襁褓中的姑妈,坐桌舢板离开祖祖辈辈生活的村庄。Her grandmother and infant aunt were making their way from their ancestral village by sampan.

对于这对可爱的老夫妻来说,长洲是座大城市。坐他们的无篷舢板,需要45分钟。To this lovely old couple, Cheung Chau was the big city, a 45-minute ride away in their uncovered wooden sampan.

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儒尼奥尔是一名22岁的有抱负的会计师,上个星期以前一直在一家面包店工作。Sampan Junior is a 22 year-old aspiring accountant who worked in a bakery until last week. He lost his mother and his father when their house collapsed.

为了躲到一个更加清静的游泳场所,我和朋友们有时候会租一条舢板,前往大屿山的大浪屿或者是它南边的小索罟岛,玩一整天。To escape to quieter swimming spots, friends and I would sometimes charter a sampan for a day and head to Tai Long Wan on Lantau Island, or Little Soko Island to the South of Lantau.

无机胶水最直接的影响就是令球拍弹力减小,球速和旋转都有所降低,对于前三板优势明显的选手来说会有一定的抑制。The inorganic glue water most direct influence is reduced the racket tension, the ball fast and revolving has reduces, can have certain suppression before the sampan superiority obvious contestant.