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气肿因空气滞留而引起的体组织的不正常的扩张。An abnormal distention of body tissues caused by retentionofair.

导管扩张以乳晕下导管的扩张为特征。Duct ectasia is characterized by distention of subareolar ducts.

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如出现腹胀和腹部强直,就通知医生。The physician should be informed of abdominal distention and rigidity.

发烧、腹泻和腹胀通常是阑尾穿孔晚期的表现。Fever, diarrhea, and abdominal distention seem to be late manifestations.

针灸可能有点疼,还会使您感到有点麻木和发胀。Acupunture may cause a little pian and a certain feeling of numbness and distention.

插胃管可以减轻胃扩张并降低发生误吸的危险。A gastric tube is indicated to reduce stomach distention and decrease the risk of aspiration.

一个30岁男性病患因为腹部肿涨,而转介到本院。A 30-year-old male patient was referred to our hospital because of abdominal distention and fullness.

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服药期间出现食欲不振,恶心呕吐,腹胀便溏者应去医院就诊。Go to see a doctor when inappetence and nausea , distention and loose stools appear as using this drug.

胃和小肠充满气体膨胀是非特殊性的,但是在胰腺炎很常见。Distention of the stomach and intestines with gas is non-specific, but is commonly seen with pancreatitis.

氨甲酰甲胆碱对于术后腹胀和胃张力缺乏或停滞的某些病例有效。Bethanechol is of value in certain cases of postoperative abdominal distention and gastric atony or stasis.

在治疗的第二个星期,他出现癫癎持续状态同时有腹部进行性膨胀。During the third week of treatment, he developed status epilepticusandprogressive abdominal distention simultaneously.

腹痛、腹胀、盆腔下腹腔肿块是患者最常见主诉。Abdominalgia, abdominal distention and the mass in the pelvic and lower abdominal cavity were the most common symptoms.

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在她的书中有许多关于身体肿胀、变形和膨胀的想象,一些评论人从她的自传中找到了解释。There's a lot of imagery of swelling, of distortion and distention of the body that some critics point to her biography to explain.

气体弥漫的充溢在胃、小肠和大肠中是麻痹性肠梗阻x线片中的一个特征。One radiographic feature of paralytic ileus is that gaseous distention occurs somewhat uniformly in the stomach, small bowel, and colon.

鼓膜变形或红斑提示中耳炎,腹胀或腹部肿块提示腹内病变引起疼痛。Distorted or erythematous tympanic membranes suggest otitis media. Abdominal distention or masses suggest an intra-abdominal process causing pain.

结论加味藿香正气软胶囊能改善由于外感风寒、内伤湿滞引起的脘腹胀痛、呕吐、泻泄等症。Conclusion MHZSC can relieve the abdominal distention and pain, vomiting and diarrhea induced by exogenous wind-cold and endogenous damp stagnation.

方法应用自制脉冲式压力器,哑铃型球囊,加强导丝及血管介入导丝,在X线导引下对109例上消化道狭窄患者进行了扩张术。Balloon distention for 109 cases in upper digestiretract tract with X-ray location by using pulse press, dumb-bell bladder, interventional wire and so on.

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检查时应该让孕妇适度充盈膀胱,膀胱过度充盈时会使得膀胱前后壁平行,从而导致误诊前置胎盘。Extensive distention of the bladder may cause apposition of the anterior and posterior uterine walls and lead to an erroneous diagnosis of placenta previa.

因腹水增加引起的腹胀,可能只通过皮带尺寸的变化被测知,而且可能随着周期性摄入酒精而间断变化。Abdominal distention , due to the development of ascites, may be detected only by a change in belt size, and it may be intermittent, related to cyclic alcohol intake.

本课题以文献整理为基本研究方法,对历代中医文献有关肺胀论治的内容进行分析研究。Based on the method of literature compilation, the investigation summarizes and analyzes the representations about treating lung distention involved in Chinese medical literature.