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但不会把这些告诉克洛伊。But don't tell that to Chloe.

最近小克很喜欢两项活动。Lately Chloe really enjoys two activities.

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我给小克买的是白色的比上面这个粉色的更显好。I bought white for Chloe instead of the pink.

克洛伊洛厄一个纯感性的表现。A pure sentimental performance from Chloe Lowery.

我们为小克买了她第一个过家家的小房子。Chloe has just got her first play house. Yippee !

可儿开始剥离绕在蜥蜴前腿的丝线。Chloe picks at the strands around its front legs.

颂恩如愿与妹妹可儿在狱中相面。Well wish to sister Chloe face reading in prison.

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克娄依用首次走路来表示庆祝!Chloe celebrated by taking some of her first steps!

高级数据分析师克罗伊查过。查到了。The senior analyst Chloe tried. And we got a match.

卡门和克洛从整笔拨款模式与画廊布拉格会议2。Carmen and "Chloe" of "LSG" and Exhibition Prague 2.

人人都认为他们是恩爱夫妻,但他们却离婚了。Had thought them Daphnis and Chloe but they got divorced.

卖仿制手袋、钱包、汾、达夫尼、镜像!Sell replica handbag, wallet, Fendi, Chloe , Mirror image!

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可儿打开她的书,轻拍自己的膝盖,让巴斯特跳上来。Chloe opens her book and pats her lap for Buster to jump up.

克洛伊会记住这四分钟的谈话。Chloe will be reminded of these conversations in four minutes.

他用一张“买二送一”优惠券结账,让克洛伊付她的那一半。He paid with a two-for-one coupon and made Chloe pay her half.

我当时就给小克买了下来,就知道她一定会很喜欢的。I knew Chloe is gonna love playing with them so I got it for her.

她告诉克洛伊淋浴很热,蒸汽充满在玻璃房内。She told Chloe how the shower was hot and steam clouded the glass.

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托尼·莫里森本名克洛伊·安东尼·沃福德,1931年出生在俄亥俄州的洛雷恩。The writer was born Chloe Anthony Wofford in 1931 in Lorain, Ohio.

我当时就给小克买了下来,就知道她一定会很喜欢的。I knew Chloe was gonna love playing with them so I got them for her.

克罗大娘没好气地替她搬了把椅子。Aunt Chloe set a chair for her in a manner decidedly gruff and crusty.