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意大利肉酱面和肉饭。Spaghetti meat sauce and pilaf.

在滤器中控干面条。In a colander, drain the spaghetti.

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比萨饼和意在利粉我是吃不厌的。I can always eat pizza, or spaghetti.

我想先喝汤,再吃意大利面条。I'll have soup followed by spaghetti.

这是“吃意大利细面条的艺术。It was "The Art of Eating Spaghetti."

很多意大利面在一个大盘子里。Lots of spaghetti on a big big plate.

我真的喜欢肉酱义大利面。I really like spaghetti with meat sauce.

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隆重介绍意大利肉酱面冰淇淋制造器。Introducing the Spaghetti Ice Cream Maker.

第一大恶作剧是1957年愚人节的瑞士意大利面大丰收。Swiss spaghetti harvest tops the hoax list.

我们吃些加肉圆的意大利面条好吗?。Shall we have some spaghetti with meatballs?

我们有很好吃的义大利面加肉丸子。We have pretty good Spaghetti with meat balls.

我放意大利面之前要不要把水煮开?Do I boil the water before I put the spaghetti in?

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海伦今晚将煮加肉酱的意大利面。Helen will cook spaghetti with meat sauce tonight.

吃些带肉丸的面条好吗?Shall we also have some spaghetti with meatballs?

杏鲍菇肉末忌廉白汁意面条。Eringi Cream White Sauce Spaghetti with minced meat.

你要加些乳酪在你的义大利面上吗?Would you like to add some cheese to your spaghetti?

意面和肉丸是他的最爱。Spaghetti and Meatballs is his absolute favorite meal.

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那些意大利面和煮的很老的蛋让大家快恶心死了!The spaghetti and hard-boiled eggs grossed people out!

十分钟后意大利式细面条的酱汁就做好了可以吃了。Ten minutes later the spaghetti sauce was ready to eat.

意大利通心粉和烤猪肉使我流口水了。The spaghetti and roast pork are making my mouth water.