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它甚至可能以刚孵出的恐龙或恐龙幼崽为食。It might even have eaten hatchling or juvenile dinosaurs.

巨蛙大得可能连刚孵化的小恐龙都吃得下。It was large enough to maybe even eat hatchling dinosaurs.

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当雏巨鸟进场时,放四个蛋壳指示物在上面。When Roc Hatchling comes into play, put four shell counters on it.

如果残虐者幼雏吞噬了生物,则它具有飞行与践踏异能。Hellkite Hatchling has flying and trample if it devoured a creature.

鸟脚龙是第一种用人工草食性恐龙的幼苗培养的种类。The ornithopod is the first hatchling of a brood of plant-eating dinosaurs.

但是如同喂养其他年幼的动物,我们首先保证小象龟对蔬菜的摄取。But just like any youngster we ensure the hatchling eats all the veggies first.

世界上大部分鸟类的繁殖季节即将到来,紧随其后的就是幼鸟出生的季节。Breeding season is underway for most of the world’s birds, with hatchling season close behind.

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在佛罗里达的巨柏沼泽地里,两只幼鳄破壳而出。Hatchling alligators break free of their shells in Big Cypress Swamp in the Florida Everglades.

然而红海龟幼龟却知道该往哪里爬——通过辨识地球磁场。But a hatchling loggerhead turtle would know just where to paddle—by reading the Earth's magnetic field.

人工孵化的球蟒很小,许多拥有者认为较小的食物是合适的。The hatchling pythons are small and many first time keepers feel that smaller food items are appropriate.

科学家在一块6700万年的化石中发现了一条蛇盘绕在恐龙蛋和一只幼仔周围。Scientists have found a 67 million-year-old fossil of a snake coiled around dinosaur eggs and a hatchling.

它们轮流孵化唯一的卵,共同保卫它们的巢穴,共同承担抚养孵化小鸟的责任。Both take turns incubating their single egg and defending the nest, and both share duties in rearing the hatchling.

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他们的颜色从幼时的红色到衰老时的黑色,随着年龄在一定范围内变化。Their colors range through the spectrum, changing as they age, from the red of a hatchling to the black of a great wyrm.

在所有被检测的幼体特征中,孵化温、湿度相互作用仅影响剩余卵黄干重。Of all hatchling traits examined, only residual yolk dry mass was affected by interaction between temperature and moisture.

然后研究小组确认他们发现了一条蛇盘绕着一颗破碎的恐龙蛋,周围还有一只幼仔和另外两枚蛋。The team then recognized they had actually found a snake coiled around a broken egg, with a hatchling and two other eggs nearby.

比较研究了南草蜥和北草蜥实验条件下的卵及幼体特征。Egg and hatchling characteristics of two species of lacertid lizards, Takydromus sexlineatus and T. septentrionalis, were compared.

这只象龟宝宝的出生体重仅为87克,要达到妈妈256千克的体重,它还需成长30年。The hatchling weighed just 87 grams when it was born and will take 30 years to get to the same size as its mother, who is a massive 256 kilos.

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肯亚的黑夜,数百只刚孵出的小海龟出现在沙滩上,一千只中,只有一只能够成功长大,并回到沙滩产卵。As darkness falls over Kenya, hundreds of tiny hatchling turtles emerge from the sand. Only one in a thousand will mature, and return to lay eggs.

但是直到2001年他重新检视这块化石时才看到有一条蛇缠绕在一只破了的恐龙蛋上,在旁边还有一个刚孵出的恐龙和两个恐龙蛋。It wasn’t until 2001, however, that he took a second look and found a snake coiled around a broken egg, with a hatchling and two other eggs nearby.

只要残虐者幼雏进场时,至少有一个生物因此吞噬异能而被牺牲,它便具有飞行与践踏异能。Hellkite Hatchling has flying and trample if at least one creature was sacrificed as a result of the Hatchling 's devour ability as it came into play.