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请稍等,我去库房给您拿货。I'll get it for you in the storeroom.

要我把这些盒子搬到储藏室吗?Shall I take these boxes to the storeroom?

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他们决定把防空洞改造成储藏室。They decided to turn the shelter into storeroom.

他们决定把防空洞改造成储藏室。They decided to turn their shelter into a storeroom.

这储藏室的容积是四千立方尺。VOLUME】The storeroom has a volume of 4,000 cubic feet.

其他的全部送给了英文系图书室。She carted the rest to the English department storeroom.

储藏室里放着衣箱及其它家用物品。The storeroom held the trunks and other household stuff.

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中心刀库具有自动换刀能力。The central storeroom can automatically change the cutters.

突然贮藏室门开了,一个男人走了进来。Suddenly the door of the storeroom was opened and a man entered.

物理系把实验用品存放在一个储藏室铩?。The physics department keeps its laboratory supplies in a storeroom.

这个过程可真是又费时,又象恶梦似的,不过最后,他们到了最上面一层的主贮藏室。It was a long, nightmarish climb, but at last they reached the main storeroom.

你不能买下时间存在储藏室里,就算你是盖茨也不行。You can't buy the time and save it in your storeroom even if you are Mr. Gates.

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他让向储藏室门她的手去而且空地看了她的漂流物。He let go of her hand and watched her float vacantly towards the storeroom door.

灶房内凿有锅台、烟道、储物间设石条桌。Then inside the kitchen stands cooking-pot flue and the storeroom with stone table.

有些在肯尼亚市中心的库房就被发现了,库房属肯尼亚反假冒伪劣署管辖。Some end up in a storeroom in downtown Nairobi run by Kenya's anti-counterfeit agency.

虽然蜗居在BC妇女医院的一件小储藏室中,母乳银行却有着繁忙的业务。Housed in a tiny storeroom at BC Women’s Hospital, the milk bank is a hive of activity.

他一言不发的领着我们走进了一条窄窄的走廊,尽头是一间储藏室。Without a word he led way into a narrow corridor, at the end of which stood a storeroom.

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后来神秘失踪,在伊拉克总理办公室的库房再次出现。They were then lost and resurfaced in the storeroom at the Iraqi prime minister's office.

你听说贮藏室被窃之事吗?真是一件不幸的事,结果人人受到怀疑。Did you hear about the thefts from the storeroom?It's a bad business, and everybody is suspect.

必须严格规范精子库的建立,禁止其商业炒作。We should prohibit the establishment of the spermatozoon storeroom for the commercial purposes.