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什么是司法考试?What is the judicial examination?

目前他正遭到司法监押,等待受审。He is in judicial custody awaiting trial.

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的确有一些审判方面的错误。I accept there were some judicial mistakes.

第二,关于阿克毛案件,这是一个司法问题。Second, the Akmal case is a judicial issue.

漫长的司法程序更增加了她的悲痛。The long judicial process added to her grief.

国家司法考试每年举行一次。National Judicial Examination held once a year.

辩诉交易不会损害司法公正。Plea-bargaining will not harm judicial justice.

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第三部分,执行裁决权的分类。The third part, classification of judicial power.

该权利无法通过司法程序得到。This right does not obtain in judicial proceedings.

对DSK近乎滥用私刑式的审判羞辱了法国。The judicial near lynching of DSK humiliated France.

城市制度究竟内涵着怎样的司法理念呢?What judicial principles did city systems connotate?

他申请用签发调卷令的方法获得司法审查。He applied for judicial reiview by way of certiorari.

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在司法复审后,该法院命令调取案卷。The court ordered certiorari following judicial review.

那些是自由州的司法任命状么?Are those the judicial appointments for the Free States?

在司法程序中,通谋是指一项机密协议。Collusion in judicial proceedings is a secret agreement.

而司法程序往往很复杂和冗长。The judicial procedure is often complicated and tedious.

廷尉是汉代掌管刑狱的最高职官。Tingwei is the main judicial officer in the Han Dynasty.

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2008年入禀的司法覆核申请有147宗。In 2008, 147 applications for judicial review were filed.

它只是一个时代意义的司法平均主义。It only makes sense in an era of judicial egalitarianism.

挪用公款犯罪,是司法实践中非常常见的一种犯罪形式。Defalcation is a common form of crime in judicial practice.