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而且孝是我们的义务。And filial piety is our duty.

兄弟睦,孝在中。Brothers harmony, filial piety in.

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我相信卡尔的孝心和实力。I believe his filial piety and ability.

孝心少年的故事让我们动容落泪。The filial piety youth story made us cry.

长臂猿则实行的是虔诚的一夫一妻制。Gibbons are monogamous to the point of piety.

父亲的虔诚使他在另一些方面恪守教规。My father’s piety made him strict in other ways.

孝是最具中国特色的传统文化现象之一。The filial piety is a traditional Chinese virtue.

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孝是中华民族的传统美德。The filial piety is the traditional virtue of China.

他谆谆教导我要尽孝顺之道。He beat in me the duties of loyalty and filial piety.

先在渐渐地长大了,已经懂得孝是什么了。First in gradually grew up, already know filial piety.

他的孝行感动了天帝。His conducts of filial piety moved the King of Heaven.

为人子者,更当孝养怙恃。For the son of man, the more when parents filial piety.

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传统文化是以孝为内核的文化。Filial piety is the core of Chinese traditional culture.

简言之,你会说那是,缺乏公民虔诚或尊重。In short you might say a lack of civic piety or respect.

孝亲颂当我赤裸裸,来到这个世界!体重不到十斤,身长仅有一尺!The filial piety I was naked, when i arrives this world!

养老始终以“孝”为中心。The filial piety is the center of retirement throughout.

这些孩子用孝给我们上了深刻的一课。These children filial piety to give us a profound lesson.

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在纹章学中,蓝色用来象征虔诚与真诚。In heraldry, blue is used to symbolize piety and sincerity.

孝悌“和”爱众“是它的第一要义。"Filial and piety" and "love others" are its first essence.

那时,孝也成了一种摆设,只不过是中国人为了显面子的东西。But in china, it is another kind of meaning of finial piety.