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给这个单摆一个。I give this pendulum a tangential speed.

侧边风是切园布置直流式燃烧器中的一种辅助风。Boundary air is an auxiliary air jet in tangential firing.

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在这三种阻力中,摩擦阻力是最大的。In these three resistances, tangential resistance is the greatest.

此外,没有观察到切向速度分布的双峰分布现象。The double peaks in tangential velocity profiles are not observed.

方法采用早期削痂自体全厚皮片移植。Methods Early tangential excision and full thickness skin grafting.

它在做圆周运动时,切向速度是多少I'm asking what's the tangential speed as it moves along the circle?

还用切向系数更正了一道题解。The solution of a problem is corrected by the tangential coefficient.

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特别是那种正切的造型在自然界中几乎不存在。Conspicuous is the nearly complete absence of tangential forms in nature.

首先抛开几个和主题无关的例子。First is to set aside several cases that are tangential to the main theme.

松散岩块的切线模量和割线模量均与轴向应变呈指数相关性。Both the tangential modulus and secant modulus are exponential with axial strain.

涡心附近的切向速度小于轴向速度。At the vortex center zone, the tangential velocity was less than the axial velocity.

径向切面观,原形成层环呈现出较均一的结构。In the tangential view, the procarnbialcylinder shows a rather homogeneous structure.

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相应切圆呈周期性旋转,射流摆动也具有周期性,该周期是切圆旋转周期的一半。The cycle frequency of jet fluid swing is half of that of tangential circle rotation.

径向应力与周向应力的最大值位于轴瓦合金层内表面。The radial and tangential stress maximums are both in the inner surface of bearing alloy.

即使是不可重入函数这种非常冷僻的主题,也给予了足够的重视。Even tangential topics such as non-reentrant functions are paid the attention they deserve.

补充或相关的重要材料放置在页面的第二个区域。Place important but supplemental or tangential material in a secondary position on the page.

研究了错流方式的板式膜组件的切向流速、时间、压力、温度等对渗透通量的影响。The effects on flux of tangential flow rate, time, pressure and temperature were investigated.

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只输入图形的已知信息,交切计算自动分组进行。The intersectional and tangential calculations can be processed in entity groups automatically.

推导出旋转切向流单位时间内形成滤饼层的厚度公式。The thickness formula of forming cake layer per unit time of rotary tangential flow is derived.

而二者之间的占整个领域绝大多数的,是具有正切特征的消费产品。And clumped on top of each other in the middle are the majority of Tangential consumer products.