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我的15个学生阅读爱默生、梭罗、赫胥黎的作品。My 15 students read Emerson, Thoreau and Henry.

梭罗提供了洞穿这些问题核心的洞见。Thoreau provides insight into the core of these issues.

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一切好的东西都是便宜的,所有坏的东西都是贵的。All good things are cheap, all bad things are very dear. ----H. D. Thoreau.

梭罗是一名自然主义哲学家,而这和人类的境况相关。Thoreau was a philosopher of nature and its relation to the human condition.

亨利·大卫·梭罗搬到瓦尔登湖去----用他的话来说---“自由地生活”。Henry David Thoreau moved to Walden Pond "to live deliberately", as he put it.

亨利·戴维·梭罗曾说,“大多数人都生活在平静的绝望中。”Henry David Thoreau wrote, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet, desperation.”I

传闻梭罗拒绝为哈佛的文凭支付五美元的费用。Legends state that Thoreau refused to pay a five-dollar fee for a Harvard diploma.

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写这句话时,梭罗想起孩提时代的瓦尔登湖。When Thoreau wrote that line, he was thinking of the Walden Pond he knew as a boy.

据说,梭罗拒绝支付五美元的费用以获得哈佛文凭。A legend proposes that Thoreau refused to pay the five-dollar fee for a Harvard diploma.

随后梭罗让工厂转换生产适用于油墨排版机的石墨粉。Later Thoreau converted the factory to producing plumbago , used to ink typesetting machines.

先读最好的书,否则你根本没有机会去读了。——亨利·戴维·梭罗。Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read at all. --Henry David Thoreau.

很多时候,梭罗靠教书或是在他家族的铅笔厂工作谋生。At various times, Thoreau earned a living by lecturing or working at his family's pencil factory.

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论文分为三个部分,第一部分阐述了超验主义及其对梭罗产生的影响。It consists of three parts. This paper first introduces transcendentalism and its influence on Thoreau.

我们的生活都被琐事浪费掉了,简单点,简单点。美国作家亨利。Our life is frittered away by detail, simplify it, and simplify it. --David Thoreau Henry American writer.

可惜他未能在死前将他对当地野花和野禽的观察公诸于世。Thoreau died, however, before he could publish his detailed observations of local wildflowers and wildfowl.

他研究印度独立运动领袖圣雄甘地和美国作家和哲学家亨利大卫梭罗。He studied Indian independence leader Mohandas Gandhi and the American writer and philosopher Henry David Thoreau.

我向往能住在瓦尔登湖的附近,在康科德的周遭,每天与梭罗和爱默生睿智的幽灵交谈。I wanted to live near Walden Pond and commune daily, in nearby Concord, with the wise ghosts of Thoreau and Emerson.

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如果有个人没有跟同伴们齐步并进,也许那是因为他听到不一样的鼓声。If a man does not keep paces with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. —Henry Thoreau.

这一次逃离让我进一步洞察到我是怎样——套用亨利·大卫·梭罗的话——成了我的工具的工具。This time away offered me some perspectives on how – to paraphrase Henry David Thoreau – I had become a tool of my tools.

梭罗喜欢回忆这样的艳阳天和夏日,“慵懒是最迷人也是最具生产力的事情!”Thoreau loved to recall such sunny hours and summer days "when idleness was the most attractive and productive business."