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哈伯德把这一等级叫做烈焰之墙。Hubbard called this level the Wall of Fire.

哈伯德和贝蒂在洛杉矶分手了。Hubbard and Northrup ended up in Los Angeles.

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他采访马斯特曼然后夫人哈伯德。He interviews Masterman and then Mrs. Hubbard.

哈伯德1911年生于内布拉斯加州的蒂尔登。Hubbard was born in Tilden, Nebraska, in 1911.

1980年,哈伯德从公众视野中消失。In 1980, Hubbard disappeared from public view.

一天,哈伯德和贝蒂一起跑了。One day, Hubbard and Northrup ran off together.

哈伯德说,戴尼提是一门“精确的科学”。Dianetics, Hubbard said, was a “precision science.”

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1986年,哈伯德在他的房车中死于中风,终年74岁。In 1986, Hubbard died, of a stroke, in his motor home.

我的尿壶是根据古巴瓜的形状大小而作。My chamber pot is in the form & size of a Hubbard squash.

但是哈伯德和他的山达基并没有因此止步。But Hubbard and his Scientologists have not been deterred.

行动就是被幻想历练成的思想。Action is thought tempered by illusion. -----Elbert Hubbard.

哈伯德先生知道乔治是如何的关心爱护他的前妻。Mr. Hubbard knew how devoted Mr. Varhola had been to his first wife.

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他父亲1927年被派往关岛,哈伯德曾经两次旅行去看望他。When his father got posted to Guam, in 1927, Hubbard made two trips to see him.

“我吃惊了一小下,但我们随后交谈了很多看法,”哈伯德先生说道。“I was taken aback by it, but we sort of talked through it, ” Mr. Hubbard said.

哈伯德把写在草稿上的注释寄给了他,但是最后没有叫这个名字的电影上映过。Hubbard sent him notes on the draft, but no film by that name was ever released.

别对生活太认真了,否则你将永远无法活着逃出去。——阿尔伯特·哈伯德。Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out it alive. – Elbert Hubbard.

这些年来,哈伯德不断地增添新的等级和信仰的“级别”。Through the years, Hubbard has continually added new grades and "levels" of belief.

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作家阿尔伯特·哈伯德讲述了发生于美西战争时期的一个故事。Author Elbert Hubbard told the story of an incident during the Spanish-American War.

哈伯德确实学习过分子和原子物理的大学课程,但他最终没及格。Hubbard did take a college course in molecular and atomic physics, which he flunked.

为明天所做的最好的准备工作就是把今天的工作做好—阿尔伯特。哈伯德。The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today—Elbert Hubbard.