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把鳄梨去皮切薄片,和豆瓣菜一起放入碗中。Peel and slice the avocado and add to bowl with watercress.

这只鸡配有西洋菜和新鲜小块马铃薯来装饰。The chicken was garnished with watercress and tiny new potatoes.

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菥蓂,水田芥任一与其类似的植物,如菥蓂和水田芥。Any of several related plants, such as pennycress and watercress.

它们也可以蒸,和着西洋菜拌上苏梅酱一起食用。They can also be steamed and served on watercress with a plum sauce.

据麦基斯称,水田芥是另一种消除口臭的好方法。Watercress is another great way to battle bad breath, according to McKeith.

相对比,在另外一组的受试者没有要求吃豆瓣菜。For comparison, participants in the other group weren't asked to eat watercress.

例如,根据资料,番茄不喜欢潮湿土壤,西洋菜却要。For example, tomatoes do not like wet soil but watercress does, as the name suggests.

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例如西红柿就不喜湿土壤但是水田芥就反之,这正如水田芥的名字所示的那样。For example, tomatoes do not like wet soil but watercress does, as the name suggests.

黄瓜和西洋菜三文治,Payard的桃色蛋糕。There were cucumber and watercress sandwiches, and a peach-coloured cake from Payard.

例如,西红柿不喜欢湿润的土壤,但水田芥物如其名,喜欢湿土。For example, tomatoes do not like wet soil, but watercress does, as the name suggests.

粉碎豆瓣菜的提取物还可以抑制乳腺癌细胞的生长。Extracts from crushed watercress were also shown to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.

水田芥可以在一天前准备,冷却时,可以将它放在密封的盒子中,用潮湿的毛巾包起来。Watercress can be trimmed 1 day ahead and chilled in a sealed bag lined with damp paper towels.

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有西洋菜汤,磨碎的胡萝卜等倒胃口票价,以及大量的慢跑。There's watercress soup, grated carrots and other unappetizing fare, as well as lots of jogging.

但是豆瓣菜研究仅仅持续了六个月,并且典型癌症可能需要更长时间才能发生。But the watercress study only lasted six months, and cancer typically takes much longer to develop.

第一次庆典上有鱼、草莓、豆瓣、龙虾、干果、蛤、鹿肉、李子等。But the feast did include fish, berries, watercress , lobster, dried fruit, clams, venison, and plums.

一项最新研究显示,每天食用一些豆瓣菜可以帮助预防癌症。Eating a portion of watercress every day could help protect against cancer, according to new research.

我会辨认一些野山菌和蘑菇,我也知道在哪可以找到野西洋菜和菠菜。I could identify ink caps, puff balls and field mushrooms and knew where to find wild watercress and sorrel.

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其中一个提醒人们因为海水污染,所以不要吃在河床上长出来的豆苗。One of them told you not to eat the watercress which grew along the bed of the creek, because the water was polluted.

实验室研究也显示,豆瓣菜叶子的提取物抑制了乳腺癌细胞的生长。Laboratory studies also showed that extracts taken from watercress leaves inhibited the growth of breast cancer cells.

茶会上提供的饮食包括黄瓜豆瓣菜三明治、俄式熏鲑鱼烤薄饼、冷冻墨西哥湾虾、蓝莓烤饼和茶水。Guests were served cucumber watercress sandwiches, smoked salmon blinis, chilled Gulf shrimp, blueberry scones and tea.