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我们为什么要存在?Why do we exist?

我们存在于空间中。We exist in space.

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万物存在于我之躯!All things exist in me!

作为尸体存在。I'll exist as a corpse.

为何会有彩票呢?Why do lotteries exist?

火星上有生命吗?Does life exist on Mars?

我靠所思考的东西而生存。I exist by what I think.

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好了,我不复存在。Okay good.I don't exist.

吸血鬼真的存在么?Do vampires really exist?

我不存在于C阶段。I don't exist at Phase C.

这样的人是不存的的。Such people do not exist.

你看,运气确实存在。You see, luck does exist.

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阿瑟②还没有出世。Arthurs did not yet exist.

那篇文章中没有提到。This passage didn't exist.

我是什么时候停止存在的?When did I cease to exist?

员工有工资单吗?B. 2.5 Do wage lists exist?

我们没有空气就不能生存。We can't exist without air.

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但是亚瑟真的存在么?But did Arthur really exist?

罗宾汉确有其人吗?Did Robin Hood really exist?

人没有空气就不能生存。One can't exist without air.