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“天路历程”为一寓言故事。"Pilgrim's progress" is an allegory.

你从这个寓言里学到了什么?What did you learn from this allegory?

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柏拉图的山洞之喻是指什么?What is the allegory of the Cave of Plato?

让我与您分享一个美好的讽喻。Let me share with you a beautiful allegory.

你可能记得柏拉图关于洞穴的讽刺。You may remember Plato's allegory of the cave.

然后他们就会说,这只是一种寓言。So they would say,oh it's just--it's an allegory.

寓言如何在库尔贝的现代主义中起作用?How does allegory function in Courbet's Modernism?

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这本书是对拉丁美洲历史的一种讽喻。The book is a kind of allegory of Latin American history.

第四卷谈到的混合动物则是心灵部分的一种讽喻。The composite animal in Book IX is an allegory of the parts of the soul.

记得再龟兔赛跑这则伊索寓言吗?Reaffiliate Aesop"s allegory about the turtle and the aerial that had a chase?"

对柏拉图教育思想的总结中最广为人知的是他的洞穴比喻。The best known summary of Plato’s idea of education is his Allegory of the Cave.

他们想要把我们的国玺作为代表这个新国家命运的一个象征。They wanted our seal to be an allegory representing the destiny of the new nation.

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张文认为“元和体”应包括元白讽喻诗。He believes that Yuanhe style should include allegory poem by Yuan Zhen and Bai Juyi.

这是一种对话语无效性的讽喻,被语言以准确聪明的方式呈现出来。It's an allegory precisely cleverly introduced by language about the inefficacy of speech.

郇山隐修会可不认为圣杯是个杯子。They claim the Grail legend—that of a chalice—is actually an ingeniously conceived allegory.

这是一种哲理性的传奇或者说是寓言,描述了如何进行精神训练。This is a kind of philosophic romance or allegory depicting the education of the human soul.

这喻示着福特公司将触角直接伸向中国普通家庭轿车。This allegory program will show a direct tentacles extending toward China ordinary family sedan.

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作品中大量涌现了引喻表达变化无偿和错中复杂的感觉。Works substantial changes have emerged from allegory to express free and wrong, complex feeling.

这款“赛博蜗牛”概念车则是象征了激发状态的神经元以及其几位兴奋的突触活动。The CYBERSNAIL is an allegory for firing neurons and hyper synaptic activity.I want to read this comic!

这款“赛博蜗牛”概念车则是象征了激发状态的神经元以及其几位兴奋的突触活动。The CYBERSNAIL is an allegory for firing neurons and hyper synaptic activity. I want to read this comic!